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Humpback fish

Humpback fish...

The humpback fish (Pareques acuminatus), according to the scientific classification, belongs to the Gorbylev family, which has about 275 species. In addition to the scientific and officially fixed name, the humpback fish is often called nothing more than a drummer, meagr, melacopy, as well as a grumble or corvina. Although the Gorbylev family includes many species, only two representatives are common in our latitudes - dark, as well as light humpback.

Such a view as a light crotch reaches a fairly impressive size. The length of the fish crotch can reach one and a half meters. The back of the fish crotch is distinguished by its brown color, as well as the presence of dark stripes. The humpback fish got its original name due to the strong curvature of the back. It seems that the fish has grown a real hump.

There are small antennae on the chin of the fish. The humpback fish is distinguished by the structure of its dorsal fin, which is divided into two parts by a notch. The upper part of the fin of the fish humpback rises above the lower. The basis of the diet of humpback fish is shrimp, worms, small fish, as well as mollusks. As a rule, the humpback fish chooses a rocky bottom and rocks for habitation.

Both light and dark subspecies of fish are common in the Azov, as well as the Black Seas. In appearance, the light and dark crotch are practically no different. For this reason, it will be quite difficult for a layman to distinguish one species from another. In addition to light and dark humpback, there are other varieties of fish that are of important commercial importance.

For example, in the South China Sea, a small yellow humpback is added, and in the Indian Sea - red. The so-called eagle humpback lives in the coastal waters of Morocco, Portugal and Spain. The gray or striped species of fish is common off the coast of the United States. A silvery subspecies of fish is mined off the eastern coast of Africa, as well as in Australia and the Philippine Islands.

It is worth noting that the main feature of the humpback fish is fashionable to consider the ability of the fish to make characteristic strong sounds as a swimming bubble. These signals can be called a kind of language in which humpback fish communicate with each other. Humpback fish has high taste and nutritional properties.

In all states where fish fishing is carried out, the humpback is considered a recognized delicacy. Humpback fish is baked, boiled, and also fried, dried and even salted. In our latitudes, you can most often find humpback fish frozen.

It is worth emphasizing that crochet fish meat contains a number of useful substances in its chemical, among which the vast majority are so-called extractive compounds. From a medical point of view, the most useful culinary dish is considered a broth that is made from cropped fish.

fish crochet 153 kKal

The energy value of fish is humpback (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 22.49 g (~ 90 kCal)
Fats: 6.32 g (~ 57 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 59% | 37% | 0%