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Yellow-tailed fish (lacedra)

Yellow-tailed fish (lacedra)...

Yellow-tailed fish or lacedra, as well as yellow-tailed lacedra, belong to the delicate species of marine fish. Beetle-tailed fish (lacedra) are classified as heat-loving species that belong to the Stavrid family. Beetle-tailed fish (lacedra) live mainly in the coastal waters of the eastern region of Asia. Lakedra is classified as a pelagic and flock fish, which rarely exceeds 1 meter in length and weighs up to 10 kg. Despite the fact that the average yellow-tailed individual weighs no more than one kilogram.

The body of the fish is a beetle (lacedra) elongated and slightly compressed on the sides. Lacedra is distinguished by its grey-blue color and brown stripe that runs through the entire body of the yellowtail. Yellow-tailed fish (lacedra) are flock fish that can migrate not only with their species. Sometimes the lacedra fish is adjacent to the shoals of mackerel, sardines or anchovies. Moreover, it is no coincidence that lacedra does this. The fact is that the fish yellow-tailed (lacedra) refers to predators that feed on small fish. Therefore, the yellowtail "kills two birds at once" - migrates and feeds on anchovies or sardines on the road.

Yellow-tailed fish (lacedra) are common in Eastern Asia. The largest population of yellowtail fish is concentrated off the coast of Japan and Korea. In the summer and early autumn, lacedra can be found off the coast of Sakhalin and the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation. Yellow-tailed fish (lacedra) occupy a leading position in the list of commercial fish that are harvested in the Sea of ​ ​ Japan.

The Japanese have mastered the technology of growing their favorite lacedra fish in artificial reservoirs. Yellow-tailed fish (lakedra) are called hamachi or 鰤 storms in Japan. Fish is used for making sushi, sashimi, as well as canned fish. Fish fillet is fried, added to soups and salads with seafood. Notably, the yellowtail (lacedra) fish is considered an integral part of Japanese culture. Lakedra or hamachi is considered a fish of fortune for the people of the land of the rising sun.

Yellowtail refers to fish of the highest grade and quality, the product is not so easy to buy in domestic grocery stores. In order to catch lacedra, you need to be a true professional in fishing. If you're lucky enough to get your hands on fresh lakedra fillets, you can make simple Japanese dishes like hamachi nigiri, for which you'll need: fish meat and sushi rice.

Cut the fillet of fish yellow-tailed (lacedra) into small pieces and lay out on a small base of stuck rice. Hamachi nigiri is served with wasabi and soy sauce. If you are not a sushi lover, then you can bake lakedra fillet in cheese and sesame batter. The yellowtail will combine perfectly with other fish species in carpaccio with basil, radicio salad and frieze.

fish yellowtail (lacedra) 240 kCal

The energy value of fish is yellow-tailed (lacedra) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 21 g (~ 84 kCal)
Fats: 16g (~ 144 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 35% | 60% | 0%