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It is known that in terms of its food and gastronomic qualities, as well as its useful properties, fish is not inferior to meat, and sometimes even surpasses it (for example, in ease of digestibility). The most valuable is the meat of mature individuals, since the young have not yet walked the weight, so such a fish is skinny and not particularly tasty. As for the old inhabitants of water bodies, their meat is rough and tasteless.

In cooking, fish is a very important product, it acts as the main ingredient for many national dishes. Most often, cooking methods include boiling, frying, baking, smoking or stewing. Many simply adore cutlets and minced collops prepared by their fish mince, and the ear is unlikely to leave lovers of fish dishes indifferent. Very often, hostesses make a filling from fish fillet - such a dish is distinguished by an extraordinary tenderness and excellent taste. Moreover, the calorie content of fish is very small, which makes it a suitable product for dietary nutrition.

Types of fish

Speaking of classification and species of fish, it should be borne in mind that this is a rather conditional concept. First of all, ordinary people are used to dividing fish into marine and freshwater. And experts classify it, based on the fat content of the product, into three groups. So, the first includes fatty fish, which contains at least 8 percent fat. These are sturgeon, herring, salmon, lamprey, eel, mackerel and hamsa.

Representatives of the second group (carp, flounder, catfish and some types of herring and salmon) should contain four to eight percent fat in meat.

Well, as for the skinny species of fish, which belong to the third group, there is very little fat in them - less than four percent. They are represented mainly by perch, cod and other rocks.

The benefits of fish

The benefits of fish are obvious to humans, because it contains a huge amount of vital substances. If you do not go into details, the fatty varieties of these aquatic inhabitants contain a whole vitamin complex and a mineral set.

The benefits of fish, which live in sea water, are especially undoubted, because they are rich in fluorine and iodine, from the deficiency of which many people suffer. Such fish are indicated for food in various diseases: metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease and some other ailments.

Fish harm

Sometimes, when eating fish dishes, people think not only about their usefulness, but also about the possible harm of fish. Thus, helminth infection is considered one of the probabilities, but this is only the case if a raw product, for example, sushi, is used as food. Freshwater fish is considered the most dangerous, which must be thoroughly fried or boiled.

In addition, smoking as a type of heat treatment also does not make fish healthier. The smoked product contains carcinogenic substances that can provoke cancers.

fish 88 kCal

Energy value of fish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 17.5 (~ 70 kCal)
Fats: 2g (~ 18kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 80% | 20% | 0%