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Pickled fish

Pickled fish...

The superclass of aquatic vertebrate animals of fish or Pisces play one of the defining roles in the diet of all, without exception, inhabitants of planet Earth. People began to eat fish at the dawn of human civilization. In addition, fish occupy an important place in most ecosystems in which they are common.

According to various sources, at the moment scientists know over 31 thousand different species of fish. About three thousand fish live in the waters of our vast homeland. All numerous species of fish are divided into two main groups - marine and freshwater. Researchers note that the first prehistoric fish species were distributed in the waters of the world's oceans as early as 530 million years ago.

Fish, along with meat, is considered a mandatory product that should be present in the diet of people of all ages. Different types of fish differ not only in their taste and consumer parameters, as well as in their unique vitamin-mineral composition, which contains a colossal amount of naturally useful compounds for the human body.

In the modern global culinary tradition, there is a myriad of recipes for dishes, for the preparation of which various types of fish are used. The fish is subjected to various culinary processing (boiled, fried, baked, dried, dried, salted, frozen, preserved and marinated).

Soups, snacks, salads, main dishes are made from fish, and the product is also used as a filling for making homemade baked goods. In order to preserve the distinctive taste and useful properties of fish, people have learned to harvest the product for future use in various ways. Marinating can be considered one of the most popular ways to harvest fish after salting.

Moreover, this method is universal in relation to the vast majority of fish varieties. Pickled fish can be marine, river or lake, fresh or pre-salted. Pickled fish can retain their taste, and in addition, useful natural characteristics for a long time.

Pickled fish are made using two main methods - cold and hot pickling. As a rule, small fish are marinated whole, and large individuals are cut into pieces. Many types of fish can be marinated, but professional culinary experts, as well as foodies, distinguish the following most delicious types of product: pickled eel, salmon, herring, roach, walleye, pink salmon, herring, as well as anchovies.

Pickled fish can be easily found on the shelves of domestic grocery stores or cooked at home. Usually, pickled fish is served at the table as an independent snack, and in addition, the product acts as an ingredient in fish salads or seafood.

82 kCal pickled fish

Energy value of pickled fish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.7 g (~ 7 kCal)
Fats: 3g (~ 27kCal)
Carbohydrates: 11.4 g (~ 46 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 8% | 33% | 56%