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Smoked fish

Smoked fish...

Smoking is considered a fairly ancient method of heat treatment of food products in order to improve their taste, as well as consumer parameters. When smoking, the product changes not only its taste and acquires a new characteristic aroma, and the properties of the culinary product also change. Thanks to smoking, the shelf life of food is significantly increased, since its initial chemical composition changes under the influence of temperature, as well as smoke.

Smoke smoke has a number of unique abilities that help to literally preserve the taste and consumer characteristics of various types of food products. As a rule, meat and fish are most often smoked. From the very beginning of human civilization, the basis of the daily diet of people is meat products and fish. This is not surprising, since at the beginning of their development, people obtained food for themselves through gathering, hunting and fishing.

Over time, people learned to cook not only simple dishes, but also real masterpieces of culinary skills. Smoked fish can be attributed to such masterpieces of culinary excellence. It is worth noting that smoked fish is considered a real treat, and some types of product are classified as delicacies recognized all over the world. Modern food manufacturers offer a fairly large range of various types of smoked fish.

Types of smoked fish

Some types of smoked fish belong to the products of the daily diet of many residents of our latitudes, for example smoked herring or herring. Other types of smoked fish belong to products that are more often used in the so-called holiday menu. It is worth noting that not only taste and consumer characteristics depend on the type of product, but also the calorie content of smoked fish.

It is no secret that countless fish live in the world's oceans, which differ in their parameters and properties. The calorie content of smoked fish will directly depend on the chemical composition of the initial raw materials, as well as the method of smoking the product.

Benefits of smoked fish

The benefits of smoked fish lie primarily in the chemical composition of the product, which contains a significant amount of various useful compounds. However, in the process of smoking, the product is influenced in various ways, so the benefits of smoked fish are reduced and even questioned by some experts.

Harm to smoked fish

As it turned out, the harm of smoked fish can significantly affect human health. It is also worth emphasizing that the harm of smoked fish, which was prepared in violation of the rules and requirements, can end in a fatal outcome for a person. In addition, when smoking in the chemical composition of fish, carcinogenic or poisonous compounds are formed, which, with frequent consumption of the product for food, can provoke the formation of malignant cancers.

smoked fish 195.88 kCal

Energy value of smoked fish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 26.78 g (~ 107 kCal)
Fats: 9.88 g. (~ 89 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 55% | 45% | 0%