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Canned cod

Canned cod...

Atlantic cod or Gadus morhua is a member of the fish family Cod. The distribution range of cod fish is limited to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, whence the official name of the species. As a rule, the body length of cod does not exceed 80 cm. True, there are giants in the ranks of this type of fish, the body length of which reaches
1. 8 meters.

Fish like cod are on the list of incredibly important commercial fish. We think many residents of our latitudes know about the beneficial properties of canned cod liver, which is rich in natural fat content. In addition, it is from cod breeds of fish that such a useful product for the human body as fish oil is obtained.

However, not only the liver, but also canned cod meat has an unconditional benefit for the human body, as well as distinctive taste characteristics. Fresh cod meat contains a fairly large amount of vitamins and useful natural compounds in its chemical composition. Of course, during the preservation process, the vitamin-mineral composition of the cod undergoes changes, since the fish is subjected to heat treatment.

True, even considering this, the benefits of canned cod for the human body will become obvious just to look at the chemical composition of the product. Canned cod contains a large amount of B vitamins, as well as A, E, K, C and D. In addition, canned cod is enriched with such vital natural compounds for humans as choline, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

However, these are not all useful compounds that are included in canned cod. Cod meat is rich in proteins of natural origin. In turn, a protein of natural origin is enriched with amino acids, which belong to compounds that are indispensable for the human body. Amino acids are also contained in canned cod meat. Preserved cod contains tryptophan, a natural compound. which improves mood and increases a person's vital tone.

You can easily find a jar of canned cod liver on the shelves of the nearest domestic grocery store. However, to find canned cod meat, you will have to try or roll up your sleeves to cook the product at home. Like other types of canned fish, canned cod has found widespread use in cooking.

As a rule, canned cod is used to make salads, snacks, as well as fish soups or toppings for homemade baking. Canned cod is a versatile food product that can be used to make both a fast, tasty and nutritious fish salad for unexpectedly heated guests, as well as a real masterpiece of home cooking.

canned cod 105 kCal

Energy value of canned cod (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 22.76 g (~ 91 kCal)
Fats: 0.86 g (~ 8 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 87% | 7% | 0%