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Wildlife never knew the name of the fish "karp, " this breed was artificially bred and is a domesticated carp that belongs to the Karpov family. Translated from Greek, the name of this fish literally means "harvest" and this is not accidental, since everyone knows that carps are very prolific, and an adult female has the ability to throw up to one and a half million eggs.

The place where carps were first born - China, it is believed that they were used on the farm as early as 1000 BC, and for Chinese emperors, carp dishes were a favorite treat. After some time, the breeding of carp also affected other Asian countries, thus this type of fish entered Europe. In Europe, carp has decorative and food significance for the people.

To date, there are many recipes for preparing this interesting fish, which outwardly bears some resemblance to carp, but is thicker and longer. As a rule, carp like to bake, they can be cooked on their own or with some side dish, this fish is perfectly combined with any vegetables, with potatoes or with cereals.

Krmoe, hostesses often boil carp, sometimes there are absolutely incredible cooking methods, for example, some prefer to do this in beer with spices. The carp tastes very tender and leaves behind a sweet taste.

Carp benefits

The benefits of carp primarily lie in its chemical composition, because this fish contains a large amount of various minerals, vitamins and useful substances that are required for the stable operation of the human body.

In addition, the useful properties of carp are due to the content of antioxidants - substances that keep us young and protect the cells of our body from the harmful effects of free radicals. The benefits of carp have been known all over the world since ancient times, as mentioned above, which is why this fish has become so widespread in culinary affairs, because in many countries carp dishes are considered a delicacy that even the most refined foodies are delighted with.

The useful properties of carp will be especially useful for those people who complain about the work of the spinal cord or brain. Thanks to the consumption of this fish, the condition of the mucous membranes and skin significantly improves, as well as the level of blood sugar normalizes.

Regular use of carp will help in the normalization of the digestive system and metabolism. Many people who seek to get rid of extra pounds mistakenly avoid consuming fish, but they need to know that, for example, the calorie content of carp is only 112 kcal in 100 grams, and easily digestible proteins in its composition help to get rid of fat.

Harms of carp

The harm of carp, like any fish grown artificially, is that a large number of various antibiotics, growth accelerators and dyes are added to it, so it is advisable to be careful about the constant consumption of this fish. In addition, carp refers to fish - oeders, that is, to those who collect all sorts of garbage.

carp 112 kCal

Energy value of carp (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 16 g (~ 64 kCal)
Fats: 5.3 g (~ 48 kCal)
Carbohydrates: g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 57% | 43% | 0%