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Canned caviar

Canned caviar...

In the food industry, caviar refers to a type of food made on the basis of fish caviar. A food such as canned caviar is generally used as a snack. Usually, canned caviar is served with crackers, in tartlets or as sandwiches.

To some extent, canned caviar is a semi-finished fish product that is completely ready for consumption. In the modern culinary tradition, it is considered a bad tone "eat caviar with spoons. " Foodies prefer gourmet snacks with a little high quality caviar served to the table in the right way.

Among the main species of canned caviar, the following can be distinguished:

red canned caviar is fish salmon caviar that is mixed with oil and contains large amounts of Group A and D vitamins, as well as naturally occurring protein and lecithin;

synthetic canned caviar, i. e. a product that is in fact only imitated in taste and aroma, as well as in the appearance of fish caviar;

canned pollock caviar;

black canned caviar is a product made with salted sturgeon caviar.

In turn, black canned caviar is divided into grainy (crumbly consistency of eggs), paus (puree-shaped consistency), yastychny (salted in film or yastyk). In addition to the above classification, canned caviar in the food industry is understood as a product made from crushed vegetables or mushrooms.

Among the most common types of canned vegetable caviar can be distinguished: eggplant, courgette, beetroot, as well as tomato caviar. It is worth noting that canned caviar, both vegetable and fish, can be prepared independently at home. First, you should choose the method of harvesting caviar. For example, fish caviar can be salted or preserved.

The first option is faster, but the resulting salted caviar will not be able to maintain its taste and consumer characteristics for a long time. However, the process of preserving caviar intended for long-term storage will take a much longer time. True, canned caviar will be able to become not only a tasty, but also a really useful food product, the chemical composition of which contains natural compounds indispensable for the human body.

In order to cook canned caviar at home, you will need pre-sterilized cans, as well as caviar, which is previously cleaned from the shell. In addition, salt solution is used to preserve caviar, which is prepared in a rather interesting way. In a container with water of mandatory room temperature, peeled potatoes are placed.

Gradually, salt is added to the water until the potatoes surface. This is the signal for the beginning of the process of preservation of caviar. The caviar was placed in solution for three hours. Then it is laid on gauze and washed with similar brine. Caviar is placed in jars and poured to the top with hot vegetable oil, and then covered with lids.

canned caviar 179 kCal

The energy value of canned caviar (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Squirrels: 19 g. (~ 76 kCal)
Fats: 11 g (~ 99 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1g (~ 4kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 42% | 55% | 2%