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Humpback salmon

Humpback salmon...

Pink salmon is a representative of the genus salmon, but not easy, and the most numerous according to recent calculations. The origin of the name of the fish lies in its physiological features, the front of the body of male pink salmon is distinguished by a certain outgrowth - a hump, which is not always located in this place, but appears exclusively before spawning, being in the ocean, male pink salmon do not have this tail.

Pink salmon mosque caviar in the river, in this place males have a somewhat heavier than females, sometimes they need the opportunity to swim on their side, this is what becomes possible thanks to the grown hump, although some experts were sure that it is necessary to intimidate other males. The life of pink salmon is very short, only 2 years old, and its habitat is the Pacific and Arctic oceans, only before spawning begins, they move to rivers.

Pink salmon, unlike other salmon, do not grow to large sizes due to the short age, the size of the largest pink salmon is about 68-70 centimeters, and weight is about
1. 5-2 kg, however, the weight of some males can reach 5 kg. Naturally, if we take into account the number of pink salmon, it has become the most commercial fish among the salmon family, and the quality and nutrition of pink salmon is no lower than that of the rest. Pink salmon were often referred to by some peoples as Pacific pink salmon.

Benefits of pink salmon

The benefits of pink salmon are known to everyone primarily because it contains a lot of different nutrients, micro- and macronutrient, as well as vitamins necessary for the human body. This fish is also a very popular product because the useful properties of pink salmon are combined with its incredible taste, which few people can leave indifferent.

The useful properties of pink salmon are due to the presence of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, the value of which is currently known to absolutely everyone. These substances are given the name "guardians of youth, " since they are the ones that protect all cells of the body from harmful effects. The benefits of pink salmon are also in the high content of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), which has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous and digestive systems.

Pink salmon, thanks to its useful properties and interesting taste, has become one of the most used fish in cooking, it is now added not only to ordinary salads, but also to various pastries, vegetables of different types are baked with it, while receiving gastronomic pleasure along with great benefits for the body. The calorie content of pink salmon is extremely low, in 100 grams 140 kcal, so pink salmon is recommended for use by people of all ages. The hostesses will like the fact that her meat is dense and it is not difficult to work with it.

Harm to pink salmon

Harm to pink salmon can be detected only in cases of individual intolerance, as well as in an allergic reaction. If you are contraindicated for the use of iodine and phosphorus, then pink salmon is also better avoided, since these substances are contained in it in large quantities.

hunchbacks 140 kCal

Energy value of pink salmon (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 20.5 g (~ 82 kCal)
Fats: 6.5 g (~ 59 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 59% | 42% | 0%