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Cuttlefish ink

Cuttlefish ink...

For most of us, the word ink is associated with the contents of the pen we write. For many centuries, people wrote cuttlefish in ink, and also made sepia paint from them, which got its name from the Latin name Sepiida mollusk or cuttlefish. However, few people guess that the hostesses of the Mediterranean and Asian region are preparing national dishes with simple ink, which color the dishes in rich black.

Cuttlefish ink is an unusual product for residents of our latitudes. Cuttlefish is ranked among the oldest species of mollusks. The difference between this mollusk and the rest lies in the presence of an internal shell, which is located in the back. Some cuttlefish individuals reach a record size for mollusks (up to 12 kg). It is believed that in a special bag, cuttlefish contains the largest supply of ink.

In cooking, not only shellfish meat is used, but also cuttlefish ink. In addition, there is a special type of medicinal cuttlefish, the meat of which is consumed. Cuttlefish ink is obtained from a special compartment in the form of an intestine or bag, which is located between the insides of the cuttlefish. Cuttlefish meat is used to make soups, salads and snacks. Spaniards love to feast on mini kebabs from small cuttlefish individuals.

A delicious dish in fashionable restaurants in Paris is cuttlefish meat deep-fried, which is served with cuttlefish ink sauce. In Italy, they prepare pizza and salad with cuttlefish meat and the famous "black" pasta and risotto. The sauce is based on cuttlefish ink, which gives the black color to the final dish. In Mediterranean countries, you can buy fresh cuttlefish, then a special bag of cuttlefish ink is carefully removed so as not to damage.

If you managed to purchase frozen cuttlefish, you can extract ink crystals from the bag and place them in a small amount of hot water, you get ink. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made and packaged product in some specialized stores. It is believed that when used in dishes, cuttlefish ink changes not only color, but also aroma. Foodies say that cuttlefish ink gives the dish a pronounced sea taste.

Benefits of cuttlefish ink

The Asian states of Japan and China, as well as the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, appreciated the benefits of cuttlefish ink. Cuttlefish meat is dried and marinated, and cuttlefish ink is added to some dishes of national cuisine, as well as used in folk medicine. It is believed that the benefits of cuttlefish ink lie in the content of some vitamins and minerals useful for the human body. Cuttlefish meat is enriched with essential natural fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-

6. It has been scientifically proven that cuttlefish meat in its saturating abilities is many times higher than beef or pork.

cuttlefish ink 79 kCal

Energy value of cuttlefish ink (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 16.24 (~ 65 kCal)
Fats: 0.7 g (~ 6 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.82 g (~ 3 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 82% | 8% | 4%