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Fish balyk

Fish balyk...

Many food manufacturers refer to the smoked pork meat product as balyk or balushka, which is not entirely true. The fact is that balyk belongs to the ancient dishes of the national cuisine of the Turkic-speaking region, which includes the territories of modern Asia. Translated from Turkic, the word balyk means fish.

That is why the historical dish balyk is prepared only from fish. Turkic-speaking peoples before our time have such dishes as Sultan-Balyk from fish or drum. Balyk from Belorybitsa fish is called ak-balyk, dogwood-balyk is prepared from red fish or Caspian salmon. Balyk from fish is made from centuries on the basis of fatty meat of large marine fish.

Moreover, extremely valuable fish breeds, such as sturgeon or salmon, are suitable for real and correct fish balyks. For balyk, fish take the dorsal part of large fish individuals. Because it is in this part of the fish carcass that the most delicious and fatty meat is located. Fish meat is first boiled naturally in the air, and at the same time dried under the sun.

Then dried and dried fish meat is salted and balyk is obtained from fish, which is distinguished by its tender taste, as well as a bright saturated aroma. It is noteworthy that despite the use of the fattest fish breeds, the calorie content of balyk remains at a fairly low level and is only 194 Kcal per 100 grams of product. Moreover, the calorie level of balyk may differ depending on the variety and type of fish and the cooking method.

People began to make balyk from fish not by chance. The fact is that the ancient inhabitants of planet Earth faced the problem of preserving and harvesting products "in reserve" or "for the winter, " everything depended on the climatic features of the territories where our ancestors lived. So people noticed that dried and naturally dried fish retains not only their consumer, but also their taste.

At the same time, fish balyk includes most of the useful macro- and microelements that this or that type of fish initially contains. For example, in the composition of a balyk made of fish, you will easily find such useful mineral and biologically active substances of natural origin as magnesium, calcium, potassium, molybdenum, fluorine, iron and phosphorus.

The benefits of balyk from fish

Also, the benefit of balyk from fish lies in the content of vitamins such as A, E, B and PP. Almost all fish species contain naturally occurring saturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-

6. The fish balyke is preserved in the derivative product, albeit not the initial amount, but most of the amino acids indispensable for the human body.

fish beam 194 kCal

Energy value of balyk from fish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 20.4 g (~ 82 kCal)
Fats: 12.5 g (~ 113 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 42% | 58% | 0%