Snake cucumber
Serpentine cucumber or serpentine trichosant, whose name sounds like Trichosanthes cucumerina in Latin, is a species of herbaceous plant that belongs to the genus Trichosant of the Pumpkin family. It is noteworthy that in our country this plant is more known precisely under the name snake cucumber, which is due to the appearance of its fruits.
This grassy vine is mainly cultivated in the subtropical and tropical regions of Southeast and South Asia, as well as in Australia, although in our country the snake cucumber is increasingly enjoying the attention of domestic gardeners. Snake cucumber is grown for the sake of a rather long fruit, which is used as food like a regular cucumber more familiar to our person.
It is worth noting that the flowers of the snake cucumber are undoubtedly worthy of the attention of any artist. Just imagine not particularly large, about four centimeters in diameter, snowflakes, at the ends of which are bizarre threads, fragrant with an unusually subtle aroma in the evening. It is very useful for summer residents who like to breathe fresh air in the evening.
But the cylindrical fruits of the snake cucumber are no less exotic, the thickness of which is about 4-5 centimeters with a length of up to one and a half meters. Quite often they bend, resembling bizarre snakes, therefore the name of the plant corresponds. When ripe, the fruits of the snake cucumber acquire light stripes, stretching under the influence of their own weight and becoming unusually elegant, as if losing with orange spots.
The fruit of the snake cucumber is characterized by a thin skin, under which there is a soft, tender, slimy flesh. Most often, unripe vegetables are used as food, light green, but after ripening, when the skin becomes orange and the flesh becomes red, they are also no less tasty and fragrant.
During growth, the fruits often curl bizarrely, which is why the plant got its common name serpent cucumber or snake gourd. Basically, this plant is usually grown on supports, and in order not to bend the fruits, a load in the form of stone or anything heavy is suspended from their ends.
Snake cucumber is one of the most popular vegetable crops used in Asian cuisine. Fruits are eaten not only fresh, but often marinated, canned, fried and even boiled. By the way, the stems, leaves and antennae of the plant are also edible - they are often consumed as food, like other green vegetables. The snake cucumber is said to taste like a young, crispy cucumber with a sweet radish flavor.
14 kCal snake cucumber
The energy value of snake cucumber (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.8 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 2.5 g (~ 10 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 23% | 6% | 71%