
The perennial herbaceous yacon or Smallanthus sonchifolius is a member of the Astrovy family. The homeland of the plant is considered the Andes, where residents of mountain villages have long cultivated yacon for the sake of the sweet and unusually nutritious roots of the plant. It is not only the appearance of the yacon that is notable, but also the extraordinary taste of the plant. Yacon rhizomes look like an earthen pear or Jerusalem artichoke. These plants belong to the same family. However, yacon differs from its brother in its pronounced sweet taste, which resembles something a combination of watermelon and apple.
Yacon root is considered not only delicious, but also a useful treat. The vitamin-mineral composition of yacon is not inferior in content of biologically active natural compounds to other plants similar in structure and characteristics. In addition, the roots of yacon belong to low-calorie foods, which enjoy colossal popularity among adherents of a healthy and balanced diet. The thing is that the chemical composition of the yacon root contains a large amount of inulin. This organic substance and polysaccharide are distinguished by their exceptional saturating properties.
Inulin or polyfructose, as well as "carbohydrate" sugar, are slowly absorbed by the human body and allow much more time not to experience hunger. the yacon plant is most popular in the foothills of the Andes, as well as in Peru and in other Latin American states. In our latitudes, yacon is cultivated in some areas. The plant is gradually gaining popularity and deserves recognition, as well as consumer love.
It is also worth noting that yacon is used in the therapeutic diets of people who are obese. It is believed that the rhizomes of yacon cannot harm patients with diabetes mellitus, obesity, as well as atherosclerosis. Scientific studies of the chemical composition of yacon have confirmed that daily consumption of the plant is able to control the level of "bad" cholesterol in human blood. In addition, the root of yacon has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and improves the metabolic processes that occur every second in our body with you.
The chemical composition of yacon pulp differs in the content of a large number of natural amino acids. Some amino acids are recognized as essential for the human body. This means that biologically active compounds are not produced on their own in human orgasm. Therefore, for the normal functioning of all life support systems, people constantly need to replenish stocks of useful biologically active compounds due to the consumption of food rich in amino acids, including yacon roots.
In the culinary tradition of some states, yacon root is considered mandatory food, which is included in the diet of the vast majority of the population. Yacon roots are eaten raw, as well as fried, stewed or baked. Yacon root can become not only the original ingredient of your culinary masterpieces, as well as a source of indispensable natural compounds, without which the human body will not be able to function normally.
yakona 61 kKal
Energy value of yacon (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 2.1 g (~ 8 kCal)
Fats: 0.14g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 12.8 g (~ 51 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 14% | 2% | 84%