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Girasol has been known to mankind for several thousand years. Its homeland is North America, where this plant still occupies vast areas in the wild. In the era of great geographical discoveries, Jerusalem artichokes, thanks to the Spaniards, appeared in Europe. There are many misunderstandings associated with Jerusalem artichoke. So it got its name from the name of the tribe of Brazilian Indians Tupinambus, who were brought to Paris on the same ship with this culture, so for a long time Brazil was mistakenly considered the birthplace of this plant.

It looks quite impressive - a durable stem with a height of 2 to 4 meters is crowned with beautiful yellow flowers. In appearance, it is easy to guess that girasol is a close relative of sunflower, its official name is corm-bearing sunflower. Girasol is popularly better known as "earthwork pear. " This is due to some similarity in the tastes of these fruits.

Girasol is not only an exceptionally delicious root vegetable, but also a wonderful cure for many diseases. The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke and, perhaps, its main advantage in the ability to remove harmful toxic substances and radionuclides from the body. The life cycle of Jerusalem artichoke resembles potato - a plant grows from a tuber, which forms new tubers and then dies off. The only difference is that girasol is a surprisingly frost-resistant plant, unlike heat-loving potatoes.

Girasol tubers have an irregular shape with many tubers and growths, their weight on average is 150 grams, but can reach 300 grams. The calorie content of girasol is comparable to that of potatoes (it has 61 kcal. by 100 gr. ), and in terms of the content of vitamins and trace elements significantly exceeds it.

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke

Girasol contains a large amount of fiber, glucose, phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamins B and C. Girasol is an excellent therapeutic agent. It contains fructose and the polysaccharide inulin, which consists of it, necessary for people with diabetes. This wonderful substance helps to strengthen the immune system, helps to improve the skin, helps in the fight against overweight.

Inulin, moreover, is an excellent remedy for hypertension, low blood, stomach ulcers and eczemas. The fiber contained in Jerusalem artichoke is useful for the gastrointestinal tract. There are a huge number of dishes that can be made from Jerusalem artichoke.

Girasol is not only eaten, but also made from leaves, various infusions and baths. The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke are only increasing. Juice of girasol tubers, decoction from stems in ancient times effectively cured burns, wounds, joint pain. This remedy helps with insomnia, loss of strength, poor appetite.

For all its truly priceless beneficial properties, Jerusalem artichoke is not very common in our country. This is due primarily to the fact that long-term storage of Jerusalem artichoke is very problematic, it loses its appearance and taste, and in other words, it deteriorates.

The harms of Jerusalem artichoke

The harm of Jerusalem artichoke lies in the individual intolerance of the product, which, however, is not very widespread. In addition, when used excessively, Jerusalem artichoke can cause some discomfort, as it helps to increase gas formation in the intestines.

Jerusalem artichoke 61 kCal

Energy value of girasol (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2.1 g (~ 8 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 12.8 g (~ 51 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 14% | 1% | 84%