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Green tomatoes

Green tomatoes...

It is no secret that with the onset of the first cold weather, there are still a considerable number of green tomatoes on the bushes. For some people, green tomatoes are a tasty delicacy, especially in pickles, while others consider them harmful, and sometimes even poisonous fruits. It is worth understanding this product in more detail and finding out what green tomatoes really are.

Indeed, green tomatoes have solanin, which is not unreasonably feared by many. The fact is that this substance is poisonous - when it enters the human body, it can cause very severe poisoning. However, as it matures, the amount of solanine is largely reduced, which is why ripe tomatoes are completely safe in this sense.

Undoubtedly, if you taste small green-pretended tomatoes, the risk of ending up in the hospital is likely, but if tomatoes are harvested from bushes when they have already reached medium sizes, then solanine already contains a minimum amount. Experienced people know that it is best to remove slightly browned or brown tomatoes - this is how they can be stored for longer.

In addition, the notorious solanine, which is present in green tomatoes, is easily removed if the fruits are placed in salted water, which must be changed from time to time. At the same time, not only this substance will leave green tomatoes, but also bitterness will disappear. Next, there are 2 options for preparing green tomatoes - so to speak, for men and for women, although, again, these are conventions.

The first provides for the preparation of snacks - green tomatoes can be salted or marinated, while cutting out a peduncle and stuffing vegetables with fresh garlic. Or you can try to cook the so-called male jam or tomato caviar: green or brown tomatoes, garlic, tomato paste, horseradish, carrots and walnuts.

Lovely ladies can be recommended to stuff green tomatoes with walnuts or raisins, and then cook a kind of jam. Despite the fact that the finished dish has a taste with light acid, a little specific, but if you add, for example, the flesh of a mature orange, then it cannot be distinguished from a fragrant peach.

In addition, many recipes combine green tomatoes perfectly with other vegetable crops, for example, cabbage, sweet bell peppers, onions or carrots. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment without ceasing to create - to preserve, marinate, salt or cook jam from green tomatoes. Just do not forget that eating such dishes is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, with a tendency to swelling and in the presence of heart disease.

green tomatoes 23 kCal

The energy value of green tomatoes (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.2 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4g (~ 16kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 21% | 8% | 70%