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Dried cabbage

Dried cabbage...

Vegetable crops are a real treasure trove of nutrients that they generously share with people. Moreover, many vegetables can be used as food not only fresh, but also dried. Garlic, bulb and feather onions, celery, carrots, beets, potatoes and even cabbage are most often dried.

Dried cabbage is a valuable food product that is the pre-crushed and then freeze-dried (i. e. , moisture-free) leaves of this vegetable crop. For the industrial manufacture of dried cabbage, as a rule, it is customary to use late and medium-ripe varieties of white cabbage. The most widespread use of this food product in the food industry, although some housewives also add dried cabbage when preparing a number of home cooking dishes.

In general, there are two varieties of dried cabbage - the first and second. At the same time, higher quality is characteristic of dried cabbage of the first grade, which is due to the presence of a smaller number of parts of poker, small particles, black inclusions and burnt raw materials.

Dried cabbages are produced in the form of uniformly shredded chips. According to the consistency, the chips of high-quality dried cabbage should be elastic, differ in light fragility and be more than five millimeters in the largest linear dimension. In addition, the quality indicator is considered to be the degree of humidity of dried cabbage, the indicator of which should be within 14%.

When using dried cowls at home, it is important to know that it takes about twenty-five minutes to fully recover this product in weight when boiling. In the process of cooking, one kilogram of dried cabbage must correspond to six to eight fresh vegetables.

Dried cabbage is especially appreciated due to the content of vitamin C, which is able to be present in the product in an unchanged concentration for seven to eight months. By the way, this property is not inherent in any vegetable culture, and from fruits this vitamin is preserved only in citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, limes and lemons).

In addition to the above beneficial substance, vitamins E, groups B and PP, H, as well as carotene are present in dried cabbage. At the same time, dried cabbage has practically no starch and slightly the content of sucrose, and therefore it can be recommended to diabetics. This product is low calorien, so dried cabbage can be included in the menu of patients who suffer from obesity.

Fiber in dried cabbage contributes to improving the motor activity of the intestine, which determines its benefits for constipation and hemorrhoids. In addition, due to the presence of fiber, eating dishes based on dried cabbage helps to remove slags and cholesterol from the body, thereby preventing atherosclerosis.

dried cabbage 278 kCal

Energy value of dried cabbage (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 15 g (~ 60 kCal)
Fats: 1.4 g (~ 13 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 48g (~ 192 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 22% | 5% | 69%