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Scorzonera or Spanish goat is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the Astrov family. In addition to the name scorzonera Scorzonera hispanica adopted in the scientific community, there are also widely known folk names for root crops. For example, the Spanish goat is called black or sweet root, as well as black carrots or Spanish root. This name of the plant is not accidental, because scorzonera has been cultivated and consumed as a vegetable and root vegetable since the time of Alexander the Great.

Scorzonera grows in the European, Caucasian, as well as Asian regions. The scorzonera plant consists of a small stem that rarely exceeds 75 cm in height. Scorzonera leaves are large and wide enough. The Spanish goat blooms in large yellow inflorescences. Scorzonera root is used for food, which has a cylindrical and characteristically elongated shape. The chemical composition of scorzonera contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients.

The useful properties of scorzonera are the content of such biologically active compounds as insulin, levulin and asparagine. The distinctive taste and nutritional properties of scorzonera, as well as the vitamin and mineral composition of the product allow us to talk about the exceptional benefits of root vegetables for human health. The composition of the vegetable contains a sufficient amount of fiber of natural origin, which perfectly saturates and is easily absorbed by the body.

In addition, scorzonera is rich in the content of minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, as well as vitamin C. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of scorzonera root contributes to prevention and helps in the treatment of a number of diseases. The vegetable helps with gout and hypertension, the Spanish goat is indispensable and incredibly useful for people who suffer from diabetes mellitus, as well as severe liver diseases. Interestingly, back in the 16th century, the inhabitants of Italy, Belgium, France and the Netherlands began to rank as their national dishes.

Scorzonera has found widespread use in cooking. Often, the vegetable is cooked like asparagus or cauliflower. In addition, scorzonera is used as a spice in soups or salads. It is not uncommon for a Spanish goat to be added to refreshments or desserts. Scorzonera has a sweet taste. Scorzonera root is eaten fresh or dried by the root crop and then ground to powder. The vegetable as a seasoning is perfectly combined with meat, vegetable, fish dishes, as well as snacks, salads and soups.

Cooking a root vegetable does not require special preparation or a lot of time. For example, you can make a healthy vitamin scorzonera soup in just 20 minutes. To do this, you need to peel the scorzonera root, cut in small pieces and cook in the broth. When the vegetable becomes soft, grind the scorzonera to a puree state. Then add parsley greens, a spoonful of sour cream and a yolk of chicken egg to the scorzonera puree. All ingredients need to be well mixed and brought to a boil. Put the finished scorzonera soup on a plate, season with oil and serve it to the table.

scorzonera 17 kCal

Energy value of scorzonera (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 1 g (~ 9 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1g (~ 4kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 24% | 53% | 24%