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Pepper ratunda (gogoshar)

Pepper ratunda (gogoshar)...

Most likely, many have heard and even repeatedly seen unusual shapes of fruits of bright green, yellow or red color, which very much resemble sweet bell peppers. The name of this vegetable is quite unusual - ratunda pepper or gogoshar - but in fact it is one of the varieties of sweet pepper, which is distinguished by a lobular surface, and in shape resembles a pumpkin.

Rounded and flattened fruits of ratunda pepper (gogoshar) are characterized by unusually delicate and very fleshy walls, the thickness of which can reach seven or more millimeters. Rathunda pepper (gogoshar) tastes quite sweet, while it is distinguished by a subtle honey taste, although at the same time the fruits are sharper compared to ordinary pepper. At the same time, the characteristic sharpness of ratunda pepper (gogoshar) is not particularly burning - it resembles a saturated Hungarian paprika.

A distinctive feature of ratunda pepper (gogoshar) is that the plant can very easily pollinate with bitter pepper, as a result of which a plant with burning fruits can appear from seeds, which are often mistaken for real ratunda (gogoshars). So, to obtain fruits of the desired quality, it is always advised to use the seeds of proven producers. Although, if you have burning fruits, you can cook a delicious savoury ajika based on them.

It is noteworthy that the first two crops of ratunda pepper (gogoshar) are usually removed after reaching technical maturity, that is, in a brown state, and then placed in a warm dark place until ripening. The fruits of ratunda pepper (gogoshar) are used in the preparation of salads, meat dishes, various vegetable sauces, and are also widely used for stuffing. Connoisseurs claim that rathunda pepper (gogoshar), pickled with honey, is unparalleled in taste.

Previously, ratunda pepper (gogoshar) was customary to marinate and even kvass in barrels. However, the most beloved dish from this vegetable culture is considered to be stuffed ratunda pepper (gogoshar) with sour cream. The fruits of the pepper just before stuffing must be washed, the peduncle removed and you can even boil a little.

One of the main beneficial properties of ratunda pepper (gogoshar), like its sweet counterpart, is considered to be a fairly high content of vitamin C, which is even more contained in fruits than in lemon and blackcurrant. Moreover, most of this substance is present in ripened fruits than in non-ripened ones, which are often disrupted in the summer.

By the way, combination with vitamin P vitamin C contributes to the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, which clearly indicates the benefits of ratunda pepper (gogoshar) for the most important circulatory system in the human body.

pepper ratunda (gogoshar) 26 kKal

Energy value of ratunda pepper (gogoshar) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.3 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4.9 g (~ 20 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 20% | 3% | 75%