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Carrots in korean

Carrots in korean...

Korean carrots have long become as popular and beloved by many dishes as, for example, sauerkraut. Without this bright spicy salad, it is sometimes impossible to prepare some other meals, which necessarily include thin long straws of juicy root vegetable.

In general, Korean carrots come from a traditional Korean dish called kimchi or spiced cabbage. In the days of the USSR, Beijing cabbage, which was required according to the recipe, was quite difficult to get, so carrots began to be added to the dish. Interestingly, in this performance, the dish fell on our soul and carrots completely replaced cabbage.

Carrots in Korean are considered by some to be a salad, others - a snack, and someone is a seasoning, but be that as it may, this dish with its inherent sharpness and piquancy in our country is in stable demand. You can buy this product in any store, but most hostesses prefer to cook carrots in Korean on their own - just stock up on the necessary set of seasonings and spices. The calorie content of carrots in Korean is approximately 11

2. 6 kcal per hundred grams of finished product.

The composition of this dish includes a certain number of correctly selected components. It is clear that the most important of them is carrots. When preparing carrots in Korean, it is better to choose medium-sized root vegetables, because they not only have the necessary juiciness, but also contain a lot of useful substances. The peeled carrots are cut into long, thin straws using a knife or special grater, then mixed with the necessary seasonings and vegetable oil.

The main spices that are included in carrots in Korean include garlic, ground black and red pepper, crushed coriander seeds, salt, sugar, vinegar. Vegetable oil can be chosen at your discretion, and the amount of granulated sugar is also adjusted to taste. In addition, other products are often added to the finished dish, which give carrots in Korean a new taste and a special piquancy: mushrooms, eggplant, onions and many others.

The benefits of carrots in Korean

The beneficial properties of a fresh orange root crop are known to everyone, but is there any benefit to carrots in Korean? No doubt. It turns out that this dish helps to improve the digestion process by what is a rather spicy snack. It helps to secrete gastric juice, thereby increasing appetite. In addition, with the regular use of a small amount of this product, the walls of the vessels are strengthened.

The benefits of carrots in Korean are also hidden in the recipe for preparing this dish, in which important substances are preserved for us, in particular, vitamins. For example, vitamin C is necessary for our body for the normal condition of large vessels. Vitamin B has beneficial effects on capillary health, and vitamin PP is known for its vasodilating effect.

carrots in Korean 112.6 kCal

The energy value of carrots in Korean (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.2 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 8.2 g (~ 74 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 9g (~ 36kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 4% | 66% | 32%