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Yellow carrot

Yellow carrot...

Have you ever tasted purple carrots? And white, yellow, red or black? Most people have not seen, but have not even heard of such, although carrots of different colors have existed for more than one hundred years. Among all this variety of this root crop, a special place belongs to yellow carrots, which I would like to talk about.

Yellow carrots differ from their relatives in a yellow or light yellow color, for which a special pigment is responsible, which is called kasntophil. By the way, it reminds everyone of the well-known bat-carotene. According to some sources, kasntofil contained in yellow carrots contributes to the prevention of malignant neoplasms of the internal organs of humans. In addition, yellow lutein present in carrots helps protect the retina of the eye from the harmful effects of sunlight. And regular consumption of this vegetable prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Central Asia is considered the birthplace of yellow carrots. Currently, breeders have successfully bred popular varieties of yellow carrots - Yellowstone and Mello Yello F
1. In our country, you can buy Uzbek yellow carrots in the markets, which outwardly is a knotty thick root vegetable, which is practically devoid of sweetness compared to the more familiar orange vegetable. In addition, yellow carrots are much drier, and therefore a small amount is obtained from it to get juice.

Yellow carrots are used in cooking in a similar way to the classic version of this orange-colored root vegetable - as a component of dishes, they can be added whole, roughly cut, crushed or in the form of mashed potatoes. Raw root is usually used when braising meat in large pieces, cooking boiled fish, as well as in the manufacture of broths and sauces.

For transparent soups and sauces, for example, it is recommended to cut yellow carrots along into halves and stand on the surface of the stove - until a brown crust forms. Such yellow carrots are laid in a boiling broth to give it their aroma and golden color.

Quite often, yellow browned carrots are also introduced into the dishes, that is, ground root vegetable warmed up to readiness without forming a crust in fat. Browned yellow carrots are laid in sauces and first courses for vitamins, improving their appearance and taste. By the way, adding a browned vegetable is recommended twenty minutes before the dish is ready.

As a rule, yellow carrots in this form are excellent for dressing many meals, but there are also exceptions in this matter - pickles, green cabbage soup, pickles, mash soups from tomatoes, apples, lentils, beans, liver, poultry, crabs and crayfish are not combined with browned root vegetables.

yellow carrots 33.1 kCal

The energy value of yellow carrots (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.3 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 7.2 g (~ 29 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 16% | 3% | 87%