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Scientists never cease to argue about the place of origin of carrots, but the most authoritative opinion is that the birthplace of orange carrots is the Mediterranean coast, and the birthplace of yellow and white varieties is Afghanistan.

Currently, this vegetable is widespread and beloved everywhere. Carrots are grown almost everywhere, especially actively in temperate areas. Surprisingly, it is found even in the Arctic and in Greenland. They began to grow carrots about 4, 000 years ago and initially used it for medicinal purposes, after people appreciated its food and feed properties. The sweetness of a beautiful root crop in ancient Rome was especially appreciated.

They were familiar with carrots in Ancient Russia. According to the evidence of the monastery parish books, carrots were supplied even to the royal table. In the 17th century, the famous Russian carrot pies become an integral part of various festivities.

Carrot benefits

The "sweetness" of carrot fruits is explained by the high content of sugars, the leading position among which is occupied by glucose. In addition, carrots include starch, pectin substances, fiber and lecithin. And this is far from a complete list of useful substances, and, accordingly, the useful properties of carrots. Of the list of mineral salts, carrots are dominated by potassium salts. The content of B vitamins is high, the presence of vitamin D, folic acid, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine is noted.

In terms of carotene content, carrots are ahead of almost all fruits and vegetables, with its availability all year round. So, in order to satisfy the daily need for carotene, it is enough to eat 100-200 gr. carrots. However, not all carotene is absorbed. For better absorption, it is recommended to consume vegetables containing carotene in the form of salads seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream.

The benefits of carrots are in the ability to cure many diseases. It is used for low blood, bronchitis, it is effective for healing wounds and is unusually useful for the eyes. For example, carrots help in the treatment and prevention of chicken blindness - vision disorders that occur at dusk and at night. In addition, carrots have an antiseptic, worm-like, choleretic, demineralizing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect on the human body.

Carrot juice reduces fatigue, improves appetite, complexion, strengthens hair and nails. The benefits of carrots increase during periods of epidemics of colds, as the vegetable increases immunity. The calorie content of carrots is 35 kcal per 100 gr, so you can enjoy the magnificent taste of this vegetable without fear that your figure may somehow suffer.

Carrot harm

In the use of this root vegetable, moderation should be observed, otherwise you can feel the significant harm of carrots. So, for example, do not abuse carrot juice, in large quantities it causes negative consequences that manifest themselves in the form of sleepiness, lethargy, headache, vomiting. Also, carrots are contraindicated in the exacerbation of ulcers, in the inflammation of the small intestine.

carrots 35 kCal

Energy value of carrots (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.3 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 6.9 g (~ 28 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 15% | 3% | 79%