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Mini carrots

Mini carrots...

As you know, real dwarf varieties of plants are, as a rule, plants that are obtained by selection abroad. Among them are mini corn and mini carrots, mini eggplant and mini scallops, mini cabbage, mini potatoes, mini zucchini, mini watermelons, mini peppers and, undoubtedly, mini tomatoes or cherry tomatoes well known to everyone.

Mini carrots or children's carrots, as they often call it, in some cases are ordinary carrots that have not reached full size. It is specially collected while still small, and after harvesting, the root crops are peeled and packed. It is in this form that it is presented on the shelves of modern stores.

Mini carrots contain practically the same complex of vitamins and minerals as ordinary carrots, in connection with which it has similar properties. Mini carrots are rich in beta-carotene, carbohydrates, and contain plant proteins, calcium, potassium, iron, and copper. Thanks to a considerable amount of beta-carotene, mini carrots have the ability to increase the resistance of the human body to ultraviolet light, give the skin a healthy color and make it smooth.

It is noteworthy that, unlike many vegetable crops, which lose most of their beneficial properties during heat treatment, mini carrots are considered incredibly useful in boiled form. For greater benefit and better absorption of some useful elements, it is recommended to use it together with foods that contain fats.

Mini carrots, like ordinary carrots, are recommended for people who suffer from cardiovascular ailments, have high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and also with vitamin deficiency. In addition, mini carrots are an excellent preventive for improving vision and anemia.

Mini carrots can be eaten either raw or boiled, fried or braised. It is remarkably suitable for cooking vegetable and meat dishes. With mini carrots, you can make a variety of salads, snacks, mashed potatoes for children, pancakes, cutlets, soups, pies and many other dishes.

For example, glazed mini carrots are considered a healthy delicatessen side dish. This is a fairly quick dish to prepare, which is an example of a classic French side dish - it is especially adored by kids. Mini carrots are most useful with minimal heat treatment with added fat - this is exactly the recipe.

The peeled mini carrots are mixed with water, natural honey, butter and salt in a deep pan and then brought to a boil. It is covered with a lid and stewed until soft mini carrots with constant stirring for about seven minutes. When the liquid miraculously turns into thick glaze, lemon juice and fresh parsley are added to the dish.

mini carrots 33 kCal

Energy value of mini carrots (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.3 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 7g (~ 28kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 16% | 3% | 85%