Mini corn
In general, like all miniature types of vegetables, mini corn is considered the fruit of a dwarf variety of common corn, which is grown in a special way. The approximate size of the cob of mini corn on average is about 10 centimeters in length with a diameter of not more than 2 centimeters. By color, the cobs are distinguished by a delicate cream-white color, and the shape of mini corn can be described as long cone-shaped.
By the way, there are a lot of disputes about mini corn, in the process of which connoisseurs and ordinary consumers are trying to find out how it differs from ordinary corn. Some argue that mini corn is a very young and underripe cob that gathers before a bunch of pistillate columns has yet to fully emerge from the young leaves.
In addition, there is an opinion that mini corn is a dwarf type of ordinary corn, which is also controversial - these ovaries are difficult to call corn, since they do not yet contain grains. Be that as it may, this vegetable is distinguished only by early harvest. As a rule, corn grows quite quickly, and therefore the collection of mini corn or baby corn, as it is commonly called in Thailand, is calculated very clearly.
A distinctive feature of mini corn is that it can be consumed as a whole, because its cob is edible and soft, unlike an already ripe vegetable, which is unrealistic to chew even an adult. Moreover, mini corn is delicious even without heat treatment, that is, raw. Probably, it is thanks to such qualities that the use of this vegetable is unusually wide in Asian cuisine: mini corn is pickled and canned, boiled, stewed, and sometimes even roasted on charcoal.
When raw, mini corn is served along with other fresh vegetables, and once boiled, it can be added to salads or pasta. Beyond that, many enjoy including this delicate vegetable in a roast or stew a few minutes before you're ready. A great taste gives the mini corn a sauce for spaghetti, legumes or rice, and a steamed one with a drop of olive oil and spices is an excellent side dish. For the same purpose, pickled mini corn can be served.
As you know, the cobs of mini corn have a high nutritional value, they are rich in vitamins of groups B and A, as well as mineral salts. Mini corn cannot be called sweet, it practically does not contain starch (it simply does not have time to mature), so this product will be equipped with non-starchy vegetables.
mini corn 114 kCal
Energy value of mini corn (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 3.1 g (~ 12 kCal)
Fats: 1.6 g (~ 14 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 21.8 g (~ 87 kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 11% | 13% | 76%