Mexican vegetable mixture

The products of the new generation, which are frozen semi-finished products that require insignificant heat treatment, include the Mexican vegetable mixture beloved by many. As a rule, like most frozen vegetable mixtures, the Mexican vegetable mixture is stewed, boiled, and also fried. The distinctive consumer and taste characteristics of this product open up quite wide possibilities for its use for culinary purposes.
The frozen Mexican vegetable mixture is made from freshly frozen vegetables, making it an excellent basis for cooking a wide variety of dishes. The Mexican vegetable mixture can be served not only as an independent meal, having previously undergone short-term processing, but also used as a component of complex component dishes.
The composition of the Mexican vegetable mixture may depend directly on the formulation of the particular manufacturer. However, as a rule, this semi-finished product includes a certain set of vegetables. Thus, the standard composition of the Mexican vegetable mixture includes green green beans, corn (grains or mini cobs), green peas, sweet bell peppers and carrots.
Vegetables, which are part of the Mexican vegetable mixture, are characterized by a high content of vitamins, a considerable part of which is preserved due to the use of shock freezing technology. In addition, the frozen Mexican vegetable mixture is made from high-quality fresh vegetables, which must pass before freezing the stage of careful sorting and processing.
The calorie content of the Mexican vegetable mixture is at a fairly low level, thanks to which this product is excellent for dietary and therapeutic nutrition. The average caloric content of the Mexican vegetable mixture is at 72 kcal, which are contained in 100 grams of frozen semi-finished product. According to nutritionists, frozen mixtures are the future, because the fast freezing method contributes to the preservation of most of the useful elements in the product.
On the other hand, opponents of this theory say that the benefits of frozen vegetables, including Mexican vegetable formula, are very doubtful. In addition, often manufacturers of frozen vegetables add various food additives to the composition of semi-finished products. So, according to supporters of this direction, the main harm of vegetables frozen for the human body lies precisely in the use of dietary supplements.
As you know, in industry, before freezing, all vegetables are subjected to the so-called "shock" treatment at a temperature of 100S. As a result, the initial color of vegetables changes greatly, therefore, to restore color or other consumer and taste parameters of the raw materials, manufacturers and use food additives that are often of synthetic origin.
Mexican vegetable mixture 72 kCal
The energy value of the Mexican vegetable mixture (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 3.6 g (~ 14 kCal)
Fats: 0.7 g (~ 6 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 12.7 g (~ 51 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 20% | 9% | 71%