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Onion has been known to humanity for a very long time. For more than 5, 000 years, people have been using this vegetable, unique in quality. However, wild forms of bulb onions have not yet been found. This allows us to conclude that the onion is a cultivated plant obtained by selection. Central Asia and Afghanistan are considered the birthplace of onions.

In ancient times, wonderful properties were attributed to onion. Before the battle, the warriors hung the bow on their chests, and this was supposed to protect them from wounds. It is worth noting that there is reasonable grain here, because onions are rich in volatile substances - phytoncides that have an antimicrobial effect, so that onions could, although not protect against wounds, but at least prevent infection. The wound healing effect of onions has also been tested for many millennia.

In Russia, onions appeared in approximately the 12th century. And since then, it has been actively used for food and medical purposes. The beneficial properties of onions have been studied quite well to date, but do not cease to amaze with their variety and time-tested effectiveness.

The benefits of onions

Onions are extremely popular in cooking, they are added to almost every dish. And onions give each of them a unique taste. Onions improve appetite, contribute to the active release of gastric juices and, accordingly, faster and optimal digestion of food. The calorie content of bulb onions is 41 kcal. per 100 gr.

Onions contain a large amount of iron, and the value of this indicator does not change, in what form the onions are not consumed. The generous content of potassium in onions has an extremely beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It is believed that onions cleanse the blood perfectly. The benefits of onions are also that it has a calming effect, normalizes the work of the nervous system, improves sleep. According to some sources, onions serve as a preventive against repeated heart attacks.

The benefits of bulb onions in the fight against colds are widely known. To combat runny nose, tampons are used, which must be wetted in onion juice. Inhalations using onion juice or onion mush are also extremely useful.

The positive effects of onions on human hair are beyond question. Onion masks can relieve you of the problem of dim, lifeless, weakened hair. They contribute to better hair growth and condition. The smell that accompanies the use of such masks can cause some inconvenience, but this will surely become a small problem once you feel the effect of a truly magical hair remedy.

Damage to onions

In addition to bad breath, one can note such harm to onions as the fact that it is able to increase the acidity of the stomach and cause irritation of the digestive organs. For such problems, onions are contraindicated. In addition, the bow can negatively affect heart rhythms, if used excessively, it provokes an increase in pressure and asthma attacks.

onions 41 kCal

The energy value of onions (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.4 g (~ 6 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8.2g (~ 33kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 14% | 4% | 80%