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Sauerkraut is considered the national dish of many countries - a product that is obtained by fermentation caused by fermented lactic acids. It is widely used in the preparation of a variety of first and second courses, salads and side dishes. Sauerkraut is not only delicious, but also unusually healthy.

Interestingly, in Germany, sauerkraut along with sausages is a national dish. In addition, the French and English will not refuse it, and in the Elsatian cuisine there is even a dish like Shukrut, which is made from sauerkraut with seafood or pork. The original Russian dish is a soup made from sauerkraut - sour cabbage soup. What to say, even in Korea there is its own kind of this product, which is called Kimchi and is made from Beijing cabbage.

Sauerkraut is so popular that even folk signs exist, where it acts in the title role. So, if in a dream you see sauerkraut, then trouble will not bypass you. This is probably why it is better to see her not in a dream, but on her table and not neglect such a valuable and tasty product.

Composition of sauerkraut

In this form, cabbage not only retains all the beneficial properties of a fresh vegetable, but also acquires even a considerable number of new ones. The composition of sauerkraut is unusually rich: vitamins of group B, A, C, E, H and PP, as well as a huge amount of vital minerals.

By the way, the preserving effect here belongs to table salt in the composition of sauerkraut, as well as lactic acid, which is produced during cooking. This substance also determines the smell of the finished product, close to the aroma of urinated apples.

The benefits of sauerkraut

You can talk about the benefits of sauerkraut for a long time. Firstly, with the regular use of this product, immunity increases, the stress resistance of the body increases and the metabolism is activated. In addition, substances in its composition contribute to stimulating the production of hemoglobin and rejuvenation of body tissues.

According to some medical research data, the benefits of sauerkraut, or rather the chemical elements in its composition, in the ability to slow down the proliferation of cancer cells have been identified. Interestingly, along with pickles, sauerkraut is an invariable attribute of the festive table in Russia. Probably because the brine of this product helps not only to cope with the likely hangover syndrome, but also not to intoxicate during the feast itself.

Harm to sauerkraut

Despite such an extensive list of useful qualities, this product also has its own contraindications for use. Possible harm to sauerkraut can cause human health due to the high content of organic acids in its composition. Thus, it is not recommended for people with increased acidity of gastric juice and patients with hypertension.

27 kCal sauerkraut

Energy value of sauerkraut (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.6 g (~ 6 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5.2 g (~ 21 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 24% | 3% | 77%