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Corn is the oldest cultivated plant that is known to mankind. Its history ranges from 7 to 12 thousand years. Corn was "tamed" in Mexico, in the culture of the American continent corn played an almost key role.

It is with her that the history of Indian agriculture begins, thanks to which such ancient civilizations as the Aztecs and Maya survived. These peoples even had the cult of the god of corn - Kukulkan, who was considered the patron saint of ancient civilizations. This alone speaks of the importance of corn in time immemorial. True, they called corn in a different way, namely, "maize. " Until now, this name is widespread along with our more familiar ear.

In Russia, corn began to be actively introduced in the Soviet years. Our compatriots appreciated this culture, and now little salad on our table is complete without canned corn. Boiled corn on the cob is also very popular, especially for its children. One cannot fail to mention popcorn and corn sticks, which also owe their appearance to this culture. The benefits of corn have been known almost since the same times as the culture itself.

The benefits of corn

Corn includes a large amount of vitamins, especially a lot of vitamins of groups B, A, E, N. It is worth saying separately about vitamin V4, better known as choline. It has wonderful properties, namely protects cell membranes, helps to reduce cholesterol levels, normalizes the work of the nervous system and metabolic processes in the body.

In addition, it maintains normal body weight, and this despite the fact that the calorie content of corn is by no means small. It is 86 kcal. per 100 gr. product. But this is a small drawback, which is more than compensated for by the presence in corn of large amounts of carbohydrates, easily soluble sugars, proteins, dietary fiber and starch. Many in corn and various minerals: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, iron, etc. Selenium contained in corn is able to slow down aging processes and prevent the development of cancer tumors. This is the invaluable human health benefits of corn.

Both folk and official medicine actively use corn stigmas to treat various diseases. It has been proven that they are able to reduce blood sugar levels, have a choleretic and diuretic effect. Also, corn is able to normalize stomach function. It neutralizes the negative consequences of alcohol intake, reduces the harm of fatty foods. Corn has long been used to raise life tone and return physical strength.

The beneficial properties of corn are also used in cosmetology. Cornmeal masks work well for acne and skin pigmentation. Dry skin such masks moisturize and nourish, make fresher, return her healthy appearance.

Maize harms

Maize harm can affect people with low body weight and poor appetite. In addition, corn is contraindicated when prone to thrombosis, increased blood clotting, exacerbation of peptic ulcers.

maize 86 kCal

Energy value of corn (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 3.27 g (~ 13 kCal)
Fats: 1.35 g (~ 12 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 18.7 g (~ 75 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 15% | 14% | 87%