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Latin America is considered the birthplace of potatoes. The real good fortune for ancient people driven by hunger was to find edible wild potato tubers. It is no coincidence that potatoes in Latin America have been revered for a very long time as a gift from the gods. Thanks to its remarkable nutritional properties, potatoes have long become one of the main foods for the Indians.

The year of the appearance of potatoes in Europe is considered to be 156

5. It was at this time that the vegetable was brought to the court by order of the Spanish king Philip II. Potatoes took root in Europe slowly and reluctantly. Out of ignorance, people ate green tubers and tops, which caused mass poisoning. There were even potato riots, but the European rulers were adamant about their desire to spread potatoes and thereby rid the peoples of hunger.

The appearance of potatoes in Russia is invariably associated with the name of Peter I. According to legend, during his visit to Holland, the Russian emperor met and appreciated the properties of this vegetable. After that, by his order, a bag of potatoes was delivered to Russia, and it was from this time that the glorious procession of this beautiful root crop began in the vastness of our vast country. And is it really, probably, not so important. It is important that at present not a single resident of Russia presents his diet without potatoes.

Now it remains only to be amazed in which areas this culture was not used. Perhaps the most familiar and familiar is the use as the main food product, for medicinal purposes and even for decor.

Potato benefits

Now the unique beneficial properties of potatoes are no longer disputed. It contains starch, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and a large number of amino acids. In 100 gr. young potatoes contains about 20 mg of vitamin C. However, with long-term storage, its content gradually decreases. It is important that potato fiber does not have an irritating effect when affecting the lining of the intestine and stomach, which is why this vegetable can be eaten even during periods of exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers, which also indicates the benefits of potatoes.

Potato-derived starch helps lower cholesterol in the liver and in the blood. Potatoes contain a large amount of potassium salts that help to remove excess water from the human body.

The benefits of potatoes are also contained in its juice. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with raw potato juice for diseases of pharyngitis and laryngitis. Potatoes help defeat paradontosis. In addition, it is useful to drink potato juice to get rid of headaches. The juice also helps perfectly with nausea, heartburn and constipation. The calorie content of potatoes is considered to be average in its value and is 77 kcal. per 100 gr. product.

Potato harm

The harm of potatoes is manifested during its long storage and is associated with the fact that the dangerous substance solanine accumulates in the tubers of potatoes. Before eating overwintered potatoes, it is recommended to peel it well and use only the core of the tuber in the preparation of dishes.

potatoes 77 kCal

Energy value of potatoes (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2 g (~ 8 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 16.3 g (~ 65 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 10% | 5% | 85%