Indian cucumber momordica

Indian cucumber momordica (another name: Indian pomegranate momordica) is a rather unusual plant for our person, which, although it belongs to the pumpkin family and its fruits somewhat resemble an oblong pumpkin, but this large cucumber looks strange. Its surface covers many "warts. "
By the way, momordika in our country was given several names: it is called Chinese bitter melon, Indian cucumber, and Indian pomegranate. The very name of this plant comes from the Latin "momordicus" - literally translated it means "biting. " This is not accidental - a distinctive property of the Indian momordic cucumber is that all its parts are covered with special glandular hairs, when touched by which irritation and even burn appear on the human skin. That is why working with Indian momordica cucumber is advised in gloves, wearing long-sleeved clothes.
The homeland of Indian momordic cucumber is the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Australia and Africa. It is noteworthy that some species of this plant are grown in the Crimea. For our country, this culture is quite new, but many amateur gardeners gladly cultivate decorative varieties of Indian momordic cucumber on windowsills, balconies and greenhouses.
As a rule, it is customary to use only immature green fruits of Indian momordic cucumber for food, which are characterized by acidic and slightly bitter pulp, but pleasant to taste. During the ripening process, the pulp of the Indian momordic cucumber becomes very bitter and is not suitable for consumption. In order to eliminate the slightly bitter taste of immature vegetables, it is recommended to soak them in slightly salted water for some time, periodically changing it. By the way, the seeds of Indian momordic cucumber are also edible - after the fruit ripens, they acquire a sweet taste and are eaten even raw.
In Asia, salads and special seasonings are most often prepared from the shoots and fruits of Indian momordik cucumber for addition to meat dishes. In addition, they are often added to vegetable stews and soups. The leaves of Indian momordic cucumber are also added to ready-made dishes - they play the role of spices, which give a savory sour or bitter taste.
This vegetable works perfectly with different types of meat, coconuts, new potatoes and common cucumbers. Momordica seeds are characterized by a walnut-tropical taste, thanks to which they are widely used in cooking as an additive to confectionery - cakes, cookies and buns.
The useful properties of Indian momordic cucumber are also known, which are due to the content of certain amino acids, alkaloids, saponins, phenols and oils in this vegetable. Momordic fruits contain B, C, calcium and carotene vitamins. In particular, a lot of this substance is contained in the seeds of the plant.
Indian momordic cucumber 15 kKal
Energy value of Indian momordic cucumber (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.8 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3g (~ 12kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 21% | 6% | 80%