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Green peas

Green peas...

Peas are a plant known from ancient times. A few millennia ago, in China, in Rome and in Greece, they learned to cook many delicious and healthiest pea dishes. These dishes were common among all ages and all classes. Peas consistently served man with faith and truth, saving him from hunger and providing invaluable health benefits.

Back in the 16th, people noticed and appreciated that green peas are much tastier than ripe. And in order to keep it in this state for as long as possible, they came up with green peas to preserve. The Dutch, enterprising in all respects, were the first to learn this.

In Russia, despite the rather progressive development of the canning industry, peas in cans appeared only in Soviet times, and immediately in such a volume that we were second only to the United States in the leading position in the production of peas.

And nowadays, canned green peas are almost ubiquitous. It is used in numerous salads, added to the first courses and side dishes. Green peas feel great in combination with a wide variety of products - with potatoes, meat, fish, as well as cheese and eggs.

Benefits of green peas

With all the wonderful taste qualities, it is impossible not to mention the beneficial properties of green peas. With modern achievements in science and technology, including in the processing of products, almost all nutrients are preserved in canned peas. It contains carotene, vitamins C, E, A, H, as well as vitamins of group B. In addition, the pea contains about 26 minerals, the main of which are phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, etc. Peas have large amounts of proteins and carbohydrates, starch and sugar, dietary fiber and fat.

Green peas can reduce the risk of heart attacks, as well as the development of cancer tumors. When eating fresh peas, skin aging processes slow down. The use of green peas reduces the likelihood of heart attack, the development of hypertension and oncology. In addition, green peas have the ability to relieve hangover syndrome, relieve fatigue and improve sleep. There is a slowdown in the skin aging process with regular consumption of fresh green peas.

The calorie content of green peas is 55 kcal. 100 grams, which is several times less than that of ripe peas. At the same time, it should be remembered that polka dots are perfectly saturated and well absorbed. And this allows you to consider it an excellent addition to any diet. By consuming it in small quantities, we will only feel the excellent taste and benefits of green peas.

Harm to green peas

It is with immoderate use that the main harm of green peas is associated. When abusing this product, undesirable consequences associated with upset stomach and intestines may occur.

green peas 55 kCal

Energy value of green peas (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 5 g (~ 20 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8.3g (~ 33kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 36% | 3% | 60%