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Cape gooseberry

Cape gooseberry...

Physalis is a truly amazing plant. Many people who grow it on their plots, and do not realize that the value of physalis is not only aesthetic, its fruits taste very pleasant. Externally, physalis is really very beautiful: tall (up to 1 meter) strong stems crown bright orange flowers, similar to paper lanterns. They contain a fruit of the same - bright orange - color. Some species of physalis grow in the tropics, others in North America.

The name of this plant has Greek roots and comes from the word "bubble. " There is a legend about the appearance of physalis, according to which he grew up on the site of the fallen flashlight of the daredevil who killed the dragon who swallowed the sun. The legend is beautiful as the plant itself.

Useful properties of physalis

The useful properties of physalis are proven by traditional medicine. The fruits of physalis give an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic effect. They are used for hypertension, dysentery. And the decoction of fruits relieves the symptoms of cystitis, hepatitis, edema, rheumatism, etc. The decoction of the roots of physalis relieves coughing.

The useful properties of physalis are hidden in its composition, which includes fiber, vitamins C and A, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium iron, zinc, phosphorus. Physalis also includes a unique substance - lycopene. It is he who gives their fruits a bright color, in addition, lycopene - a well-known antioxidant, is used to prevent cancer. The alkaloid physalin, which is present in the fruits of physalis, gives the fruits a barely noticeable bitter taste, thanks to it, physalis is popularly called "sleepy grass. "

The calorie content of physalis is low - only about 32 kcal. 100 grams, but a large amount of substances useful for the body. And above all, these are various organic acids: citric, apple, coffee, amber and many others with equally beautiful names. The presence of pectin in the physalis composition determines its active use in dietary nutrition. In this area, the beneficial properties of physalis are also confirmed. Physalis has the ability to remove heavy metal salts and harmful cholesterol from the body.

The use of physalis is not limited to therapeutic and decorative purposes. Physalis has also found its application in cooking. Its fruits are added to salads, jams, pie stuffing. Sauces are prepared from physalis, used in marinades and pickles. The juice of physalis is added to various fish and meat dishes as seasoning. And the boiled fruits of this plant serve as a wonderful and unusual decoration for confectionery. and this is despite the fact that the calorie content of physalis is quite low.

physalis 32 kKal

Energy value of physalis (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.96 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 1.02 g. (~ 9 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3.94 g (~ 16 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 12% | 29% | 49%