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The mysterious and beautiful word "Daikon" serves as a designation for a root vegetable, very similar to the radish we all know. Other names for the daikon sound like "Japanese radish" or "Chinese radish. " An attentive reader can point out the contradiction contained in these phrases, but everything is explained very simply.

Daikon was bred in Japan, but a Chinese root crop called "loba" was taken as a basis for breeding. Over time, the wonderful fruit spread throughout Europe, and the Mediterranean countries even decided to argue with Japan for the right to be called the birthplace of the daikon. However, these were not entirely successful attempts. Translated from Japanese, "daikon" means "big root. " And this is quite justified. The daikon fruit, which resembles carrots in shape, is only white in color, can reach half a meter in length and weigh more than 5 kg. Agree, impressive indicators? But not only this surprises the daikon.

The benefits of the daikon

Daikon is the real record holder for the amount of vitamin C included in its composition. Vitamin C in combination with vitamin B has an excellent calming effect on the nervous system, contributes to the restoration of mental balance and concentration of attention. The leaders are daikon among vegetables and in terms of calcium content, which is simply indispensable for bones, teeth and hair. Therefore, the phrase "dikon benefit" can be considered stable.

The main merit of the daikon can be considered excellent indications for its use as a cleansing agent for the kidney and liver, under its influence stones formed in the kidneys can dissolve. Daikon has antiseptic and antibacterial effects. Due to the presence of a unique substance - isorodanic acid - daikon is an effective means for the prevention of cancer.

Fiber, which is rich in daikon, is indispensable in dietary nutrition. The more of it in the foods we consume, the less hunger we experience. In addition to fiber, daikon contains special enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of starch. In addition, the vegetable is low calorie, the calorie content of the daikon is only 21 kcal per 100 gr. product.

As for the nutritional value of the daikon, everything is more and more unambiguous here. Although it is difficult to say that it still tastes more like a daikon - radish or radish, but it is definitely devoid of their obvious bitter taste. This makes it possible and even pleasant to eat root vegetables raw, in vitamin salads. At the same time, the useful properties of the daikon are preserved in full, and you get the opportunity to feel the full benefit of the daikon. Used in cooking and vegetable tops, it is usually fried in vegetable oil before consumption.

Damage to the daikon

If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better not to include daikon in the diet. The main harm of the daikon is the content of a large amount of fiber, which is difficult to digest and can cause undesirable consequences for the digestive system.

dikona 21 kKal

Energy value of the daikon (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.2 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4.1 g (~ 16 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 23% | 0% | 78%