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Black beans

Black beans...

Bean or Phaseolus belongs to the Bean family and combines approximately 87 varieties of the plant under its name. However, not all types of beans are cultivated in order to further use the fruits of the plant for food. There are varieties of beans that are used exclusively for decorative purposes. most often cultivated such a type of bean as ordinary beans or Phaseolus vulgaris.

Currently, there are a sufficient number of different varieties of ordinary beans, which differ from each other in the color of the fruits, as well as in the appearance of the plant itself and, in addition, in taste and consumer qualities. In cooking, not only bean seeds are used, but also green pods of the plant. Historians claim that beans, along with other species of plants from the Legow and Zlakov family, are considered one of the fundamental crops that the inhabitants of the ancient world began to cultivate.

It is believed that the first beans began to be cultivated in Mexico and Peru. Beans got to Europe thanks to the tireless traveler Christopher Columbus. Beans entered the territory of the Russian Empire from France at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, apparently for this reason for a long time the plant was called nothing more than "French" beans. It is also noteworthy that the beans did not immediately appeal to the residents and took root in Russia. In the first time, beans were grown only as ornamental plants.

Only over time did beans gain well-deserved popularity and nowadays the plant is considered a common vegetable crop in the Russian Federation. Black beans are considered one of the most useful and at the same time tasty varieties of the plant. The useful properties of black beans have long been familiar to humans. It is believed that the unique benefits of black beans for the human body lie primarily in the chemical composition of the plant, which is enriched with various useful compounds of natural origin.

The benefits of black beans

The useful properties of black beans are expressed in the fact that the protein included in the plant is most close in its chemical parameters to the protein of animal origin. In addition, the uniqueness of the benefits of black beans lies in the fact that the fruits of the plant perfectly saturate the body, and also move evenly along the human gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to the provision of all the necessary trace elements, as well as vitamins and useful substances.

When eating black beans, the human body does not feel hunger attacks for a long time. In addition, black beans normalize the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, thereby minimizing the risk of the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases. Recent studies have shown that regular eating of black beans contributes to the prevention of cancers, namely the occurrence of malignancies in the intestine.

Black beans are prepared as well as other types of plants. Usually, soups, porridge or salads are made from black beans. It's not uncommon for black beans to become a compound ingredient in the main courses. Most popular. black beans are used in Latin America.

black beans 132 kCal

Energy value of black beans (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 8.9 g (~ 36 kCal)
Fats: 0.5 g (~ 5 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 23.7 g (~ 95 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 27% | 3% | 72%