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White carrot

White carrot...

As you know, the color of carrots is determined by the content of certain natural coloring substances in the composition of the root vegetable. For example, the most familiar orange-red color of carrots for us is due to the content of carotene in the vegetable, while the rich purple color is given to it by anthocyanin, a substance that helps protect the human body from various types of cancer. White carrots do not contain pigments at all - hence the lack of color as such, but its composition can detect a lot of other substances that are useful for human health.

Earlier, the presence of a bitter aftertaste was characteristic of the ancient white carrot, the homeland of which is considered to be such states as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran, and therefore many attributed this root crop to varieties of feed crops. However, recently a special variety of white carrots has been bred - White Satin F1, which is completely devoid of these shortcomings.

The mature fruits of white carrots are particularly juicy and rather sweet in taste. However, this variety has a tendency to form green processes on the root crop, in order to avoid which it is recommended to infect the plant from time to time when growing.

The quality fresh root vegetable of white carrots is dense, smooth, quite straight, bright color (if this can be said for white color). It is worth avoiding too branched white carrots, fatty and soft. In addition, if the white carrot has its tops clogged, pay attention to the stem of the plant - dark indicates the "advanced" age of the vegetable. The remaining tops should be juicy, not rotten and airy. It is not necessary to peel young white carrots - this applies more to old vegetables. Refresh the root vegetable, which has become a little soft, you can leave it in icy water.

For culinary purposes, white carrots are used in a similar way to other vegetables of this group - they are fried, boiled, stewed, mashed, steamed or used in unprocessed (raw) form. White carrots go well with bacon, beef and mushrooms. In addition, excellent dishes are based on white carrots and brandy, butter, red pepper, celery, cheese, skorod onion, coriander, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, dill, fennel, garlic, basil and ginger.

Some culinary experts, when preparing white carrots on their own or as part of many dishes, successfully combine it with honey, maple syrup, lemon, mayonnaise, mustard, sour cream, olive oil, peas, beets, onions, tomatoes and even some fruits - oranges and other citrus fruits.

white carrots 33.1 kCal

Energy value of white carrots (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.3 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 7.2 g (~ 29 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 16% | 3% | 87%