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Sweet potato

Sweet potato...

Yam is a root crop. The question of determining the homeland of yam is still unclear. Some sources call Malaysia, others South America, from where in the 16th century it came to Africa, and then was brought to Europe by the Portuguese. One thing is known for certain that yam is currently actively cultivated in many countries in the Americas, Africa and Asia.

Yam is otherwise called sweet potatoes, and indeed yam replaces potatoes in the diet for many peoples. But the similarities between these plants are only in tubers. They are spherical or oblong in yam, have a bumpy surface. The weight of yam can reach 7 kg. The skin color is brownish, and its flesh can be the most diverse - pink, cream, orange, white, red or purple. The taste of "sweet potatoes" can also be different. So the tubers of white yam are similar to sugar beets. Pink yam in raw form resembles a chestnut, and in boiled form it looks like a pumpkin.

Often grated sweet potato is added to salads, while salads can be prepared from the leaves of the plant. It is better to cook yams without salt, and by the way, yam is cooked faster than potatoes. Baked yam tasted wonderfully. In general, it can be used as diverse as you like: not only cook, bake or fry, but also add to soups, porridge, saw and all kinds of fillings.

The benefits of yam

In Russia, this culture is quite exotic and not very widespread. However, the benefits of yam are beyond doubt, because it is a rich source of various nutrients. It contains a large amount of vitamins V1, V2, C, E, PP, as well as folic acid. There are many carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, proteins and trace elements indispensable for humans: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, etc. As for the fiber contained in the yam, it is very tender. Therefore, yam will benefit in case of digestive problems. The amount of carbohydrates and calcium in this root crop significantly exceeds similar indicators noted in potatoes.

The useful properties of the babate are manifested in the fact that it serves for the general strengthening of the body, returns physical strength, and also contributes to the activation of mental processes. Yam is recommended for diabetes mellitus, for cardiovascular diseases. The fact that proteins and carbohydrates contained in yam are absorbed by humans much better than those contained in potatoes is remarkable. The calorie content of yam is approximately 60 kcal. per 100 gr.

The harm of yam

Yam is contraindicated in various peptic ulcers, as it is able to irritate the mucous membrane of internal organs. Yam can be harmed by excessive consumption during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

yam 60 kKal

Energy value of yam (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2 g (~ 8 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 13.8 g (~ 55 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 13% | 0% | 92%