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Dried figs

Dried figs...

Figs are the fruit of a fairly tall large-deciduous tree that can be found in the southern latitudes of our large planet. The color of these aromatic fruits is most often purple, but you can also find light yellow figs, they taste sweet, but with a slight note of acid. Dried figs are known throughout the world for their useful properties, however, experts are of the opinion that before starting the constant use of this product, it is necessary to carefully study its positive and negative effect on the human body.

Since figs are a fast-perishable product, when fresh, they must be eaten within 6 hours of being plucked from the tree, which is probably why it is found mostly dried on our shelves. There is an opinion that high-quality dried figs in many ways taste much more pleasant than fresh. Also, the advantages of dried figs include the fact that you can get it with ease in any city and in any country, unlike fresh, which does not grow everywhere. For vegetarians and vegans, dried figs are one of the favourite foods as they are really sweet and unusual in taste.

Benefits of dried figs

The benefits of dried figs are the large amount of trace elements, minerals and vitamins found in the product. The amount of protein during the drying process increases to 5 percent, with only 1 percent of proteins in fresh figs. The useful properties of dried figs are largely due to the fact that it is the keeper of the largest supply of fiber among all dried fruits, so the feeling of fullness when eating this product comes quite quickly, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract becomes more stable. The calorie content of dried figs is quite high, so after eating 2-3 fruits, you will provide yourself with a sufficient supply of energy.

Also, it should be mentioned that the useful properties of dried figs are known all over the world also because it contains a large amount of pectin, which turns dried figs into a valuable food product. Thanks to pectin, the healing of connective tissues is accelerated, which is a very important factor in injuries to various joints, as well as bones. The benefits of dried figs are also manifested in its ability to increase the antioxidant activity of blood plasma. In addition, dried figs contain such a substance as rutin, thanks to which the walls of capillaries are strengthened and vitamin C is better absorbed.

Harm to dried figs

The harm of dried figs lies in the large content of sugar in it, about 60%, this does not mean, of course, that after eating you will immediately gain a few kilograms, but you should be careful to eat this product, choose the right combination and the right time. Figs help to reduce blood clotting, so those people whose blood does not curl well, it is advisable to avoid eating dried figs.

dried figs 257 kCal

Energy value of dried figs (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 3.1 g (~ 12 kCal)
Fats: 0.8 g (~ 7 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 57.9 g (~ 232 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 5% | 3% | 90%