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Dried barberry

Dried barberry...

Surely, when many mention the word barberry in memory, associations with sweets from childhood immediately begin to arise. But in reality, barberry is an amazing shrub in its beauty and the presence of beneficial properties, bearing beautiful berries, which in shape and color resemble the same caramels.

Barbaris refers to plants that are native to our planet's Northern Hemisphere. It is widely cultivated not only for the sake of obtaining fruits, but also for decorative purposes - the shrub is able to form unique "living" hedges with brightly colored fruits, which are preserved on branches until frost.

To taste, barberry fruits are astringent with acid, due to which this plant is often called "northern lemon. " However, not only for its specific taste qualities, barberry received such an unofficial name - the benefits of its fruits are widely known and have long served for the benefit of humans.

Barberry fruits are found and take pride of place in culinary affairs. All kinds of healthy dishes are made from fresh berries and dried barberry - they cook jelly, cook jam, roll up compotes, syrups and juices. Additionally, dried barberry as a spicy additive is added to various sauces.

Dried barberry is considered a mandatory element of eastern cuisine, where it is very often present in pilaf, fried, stewed meat, while being added during the heat treatment process. Due to the introduction of dried barberry into the dish, the dishes acquire a delicate acidic taste, additionally enriched with vitamins and biologically active compounds.

In the case of using dried barberry for preparing drinks, it is customary to brew the fruits in a thermos for several hours. For medicinal purposes, such a decoction is recommended to be taken twenty minutes before eating, but as a means to quench thirst, such a drink is also effective.

Traditional medicine claims the benefit of both fresh and dried barberry as an excellent hemostatic. In addition, the beneficial properties of dried barberry are unequivocally its ability to improve appetite. It has been proven that barberry fruits are a natural antibiotic that can serve as an effective preventive and therapeutic remedy for weakening the immune system and hypertension. Also, dried barberry, along with fresh fruits, helps by lowering blood pressure and shrinking tumors.

Water-infused dried barberry is widely used by representatives of alternative medicine in order to relieve rheumatic pains. The benefits of this natural product in diabetes mellitus are undoubted, since the content of sugars in fresh berries is minimal, and a minimum amount of dried barberry is needed.

dried barberry 152 kCal

Energy value of dried barberry (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 38 g (~ 152 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 100%