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Dried pears

Dried pears...

Pear is a fruit tree, the height of which in some cases can reach 30 meters. The flowering time of the pear is spring, or rather April-May, but the ripening of its fruits occurs in September, and sometimes in October. To date, there are about 5, 000 varieties of various pears around the world, most of them dessert. In Russia, pears have been popular and beloved by everyone since very old times, even in Domostroy this tree is mentioned and proper care for it is signed. Basically, pears grow in deciduous forests, but sometimes they are also found in conifers, often alone.

Since ancient times, pear and its products have been used as a medicine. If the patient had an increased body temperature, then he was watered with a decoction of pears. During drying, pears do not lose any beneficial properties, vitamins, of course, if the process is set correctly and the temperature is moderate. Modern medicine most often uses pear as a dietary product.

Benefits of dried pears

The benefits of dried pears are primarily manifested in their use in folk medicine. They are used as a fixing, diuretic, disinfecting, antipyretic and antitussive agent. Such beneficial properties of dried pears are as characteristic of them as for fresh ones. Dried pears do not contain any sugar syrup, they have exclusively natural sweetness. The calorie content of dried pear does not correspond to its nutritional content at all. In cases of pancreatic disorders, dried pear is also used as a drug. The benefits of dried pears are also the elimination of heavy metals and toxins from the human body.

If you cook a decoction or compote from a dried pear, the drink will be rich in tannins, which have an astringent effect that is useful in bowel disorder. In addition, the decoctions also have an antibacterial effect, thanks to which you can recover from various colds and sore throats. The useful properties of dried pears are so due to the large amount of potassium in the composition, thanks to which the pear is very useful in cardiovascular diseases.

If you are tormented by rapid fatigue, dizziness, rapid heart rate, loss of appetite, tissue does not heal well and cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, then the pear will also turn out to be an indispensable product in your diet, because it is rich in iron, and all these ailments - showed a lack of iron.

Harm of dried pears

The harm of dried pears is not familiar to all consumers. However, do not forget that the main thing in the use of dried fruits is moderation. Also, do not combine dried pears with milk, since in some cases this can cause a laxative effect. However, the combination with fermented milk products, for example, with cottage cheese, will not cause any negative reactions.

dried pears 249 kCal

Energy value of dried pears (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2.3 g (~ 9 kCal)
Fats: 0.6 g (~ 5 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 62.6 g (~ 250 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 4% | 2% | 101%