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Dried melon

Dried melon...

Melon is a sweet, nutritious and aromatic false berry that can weigh up to 25 kilograms. There are a large number of different varieties of this wonderful product, which can differ not only in taste, but also in color, shape, size, they are united by one thing - properties that give health, strength and beauty. Dried melons are an exquisite and unusual delicacy that will appeal not only to adults, but also to the younger generation.

Dried melons are made exclusively from the best fruits. Farmers put a lot of effort into growing a good melon. After the seeds have been planted, it is necessary to wait several months before it is possible to collect ready-made fruits, from which, in the future, dried melons will be made. It is believed that melon was born in the vastness of Central Asia. The beneficial properties of dried melon are absolutely the same as those of fresh melon, since in the process it does not lose its substances and vitamins. The calorie content of dried melon allows girls to eat it and adhere to a diet, and in addition, melon is an excellent means of rejuvenating the body.

Benefits of dried melon

The benefits of dried melon are undeniable and, above all, due to the content of large amounts of trace elements and amino acids. Melon pulp is a great tool for strengthening bones, hair and capillaries. The beneficial properties of dried melon also apply to those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, as well as to those suffering from dropsy, jaundice, urolithiasis or nervous diseases. Pregnant women and women during menopause need folic acid, which is found in this beautiful dried fruit, it helps to balance the hormonal composition, and also eliminates depression, while strengthening memory and improving immunity.

In addition, the benefits of dried melon also lie in the content of the enzyme, thanks to which the body fights insomnia, powerlessness and irritability. This enzyme has a protective effect on cells against destruction. Beta-carotene as part of trace elements provides skin nutrition and gives hair a rich shine, as well as strengthens nails and retains tan on the skin in summer. If desired, you can get rid of freckles, eels or pigment spots, using a wonderful plant fruit.

Harm to dried melon

The harm of dried melon is that it can conflict with various foods, which can lead to digestive disorders. It is categorically not recommended to eat dried melon in combination with alcoholic beverages, dairy products and honey. Also, dried melon will not be useful for diabetes sufferers.

dried melon 341 kCal

Energy value of dried melon (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.7 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 82.2 g (~ 329 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 96%