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Hazel nut

Hazel nut...

Hazel nut or Córylus hazel is a plant classified scientifically in the Birch family. Deciduous shrub, much less common in nature are hazel nut trees, is distinguished by round and large leaves that resemble bream fish in shape. Thanks to this analogy, hazel nut got its distinctive name.

Scientists distinguish hazel nut into a separate genus of the same name, which combines about 17 species of the plant. Among the most common subspecies of hazel nut are the following:

American hazel;

Chinese hazel;

The hazel is tree-shaped;

The hazel is horned;

Himalayan hazel;

Common hazel or hazel.

Common hazel or "Córylus avellána" refers to deciduous shrubs. This type of plant is distributed in the European territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Caucasus and the Middle East. Hazel nut grows in mixed, as well as coniferous forests, on the edges and mountainous areas.

It is noteworthy that in the Caucasus hazel nut is often taken to a height of 2300 meters above sea level. Hazel takes in oak forests, banks of rivers and lakes, as well as thickets of shrubs for growth. It is also worth noting that hazel nut tries to coexist with plants such as thorn, hawthorn, krushin, field maple, viburnum, rosehip, and dogwood. The researchers note that hazel differs in its ability to grow quickly enough and occupies vast forest areas.

As a rule, hazel nut shrub does not exceed 7 meters in height. The tree is distinguished by its ovate crown shape. Hazel blooms with stamen earrings. Hazel nut fruits have a spherical and slightly elongated shape. Hazel nuts have a dark brown color and do not exceed 15 mm in diameter. It is worth noting that the life cycle of hazel reaches an average of one hundred years.

The distinctive biological structure and properties of hazel make it possible to cultivate the plant on an industrial scale in order to harvest hazel fruits. Hazel nuts contain about 65% of naturally occurring fats. In addition, the chemical composition of hazel fruits is enriched with vitamins of group A, B, E, as well as PP. Although the calorie level of hazel nuts is at a fairly high level, the fruits of the plant are quickly absorbed by the human body.

The beneficial properties of hazel lie in the vitamin-mineral composition of the plant fruits, which, in addition to vitamins, contain a fairly large amount of such undoubtedly useful compounds as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Hazel nuts are eaten fresh. In addition, hazel is used in baking and confectionery. Hazel nuts are often used in the production of sweets, halwa and chocolate.

Based on ground hazel nuts one produces nutritious flour as well as nut milk. Hazel seeds are processed and nut vegetable oil is obtained, the taste and consumer qualities of which are highly appreciated in cooking. Bark, as well as plant wood, is used in various industries (construction and finishing work, leather tanning, as well as winemaking).

hazel nut 653 kCal

Energy value of hazel nut (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 13 g (~ 52 kCal)
Fats: 62.6 g (~ 563 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 9.3g (~ 37kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 8% | 86% | 6%