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Well-known cashew nuts come from Brazil and are very popular among the population of their native country. The ancestors of the cultivation of this beautiful nut are considered to be Indians belonging to the Tikuna tribe, who live in Brazilian territories. If we take into account all the properties of cashew, then this nut is really universal. Nut kernels can be eaten, and shells are used to extract "kazhu" or "cardoil" oil, which is used exclusively for medical purposes. They also take a peduncle as food, although this is not common in our country.

In addition, cashew is a unique nut also because the ripening of the nut does not occur inside the pod, but on top of it. Most likely, most readers did not even realize how exotic this ordinary product at first glance was. The properties of cashew are also interesting in that this nut is a magnificent aphrodisiac that is suitable for both women and men. It can be eaten both raw and fried. Roasted cashew is milder and sweeter to taste.

Cashew benefits

The benefits of cashew for the human body are manifested in the fact that it not only helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, but also strengthens the cardiovascular system. Cashew nuts are sometimes used as an auxiliary during treatment for psoriasis, anemia, are useful for metabolic disorders, and also relieve toothache. In Latin America, cashew nuts also have their purpose, often they are used to prevent and treat various forms of influenza and even bronchial asthma.

The calorie content of cashew, compared to many other nuts, is minimal, this also shows the benefits of cashew, since many girls and men who adhere to a diet can afford to sometimes eat this wonderful nut without threatening weight. Cosmetologists quite often use this nut during the preparation of various kinds of cosmetics - these can be masks, creams, shampoos or hair conditioners. Nuts include a sufficient amount of mineral salts and ascorbic acid, so they have a rejuvenating effect.

Harm to cashew

The harm of cashew has been known, as well as its benefits, for a long time. It is worth carefully using it raw, because under its shell you will find the thinnest resin film, which contains a really harmful substance - cardol, if it contacts the skin, then a burn may remain, and it also causes severe pain and possible blisters. Also, before eating this nut, it is worth consulting a nutritionist, since cashew is a very strong allergenic product.

cashew 600 kCal

Energy value of cashew (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 18.5 g (~ 74 kCal)
Fats: 48.5 g (~ 437 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 22.5g (~ 90kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 12% | 73% | 15%