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The birthplace of the well-known walnut fruit is Central Asia and the Caucasus, although some scientists still believe that his birth took place in the Balkans. Due to the fact that the nucleus resembles the human brain, a large number of legends related to walnut were created before our era. Walnut fruiting is quite abundant, so in ancient times many believed that the fruits of this tree symbolize prosperity, the ancient Greeks even presented it to each other as a gift at any celebrations. There is still an interesting tradition in the Caucasus and Moldova: if a child is born in a family, a tree is planted as a dowry.

A thousand years ago, Greek merchants brought walnut to Russia. For medicinal purposes, absolutely all parts of walnut are used: leaves, twigs, bark, and even unripe fruits. But most often they use the leaves, as a rule, in dermatological and cosmetic procedures. In June, they have the highest content of vitamin C, so they begin to be harvested exactly then. It is recommended to store only cleaned, since in this form they best retain all their useful properties.

Walnut benefits

Since ancient times, the benefits of walnut have been known to everyone and it was used as a medicine. The properties of walnut allow you to recover from sore throat, a special infusion is made from it, which can also be useful for intestinal disorder. The benefits of walnut combined with honey will be equally undeniable, it will help you overcome mucosal damage. In addition, walnuts are often used in cooking, they are often made into various pastries, oil, it is also great to combine them with olive oil in sauces.

It is also worth noting that walnut in terms of the amount of protein in its composition can compete with meat or with dairy products. The useful properties of walnut are also due to the content of a large number of amino acids. Due to its low carbohydrate content, it can also be consumed on a diet. All other nutritious plant foods will not be able to compete with walnuts in terms of iodine content. Walnut oil is thought to benefit memory. The high calorie content of walnut will give you energy.

Walnut harm

Walnut harm can only be manifested if they are abused. It is especially not recommended to eat many walnuts for overweight people, since the fruits are very high in calories. Excessive consumption of walnuts can cause a rash inside the mouth.

walnut 656 kCal

Walnut energy value (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 16.2 (~ 65 kCal)
Fats: 60.8 g (~ 547 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 11.1 g (~ 44 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 10% | 83% | 7%