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Pine nut cake

Pine nut cake...

Absolutely everyone knows about the benefits of pine nut and this fact remains indisputable, and everything related to pine nut is useful. Also, they have a beneficial effect on the body and those products that are obtained as a result of processing pine nuts, it can be pine flour, pine oil or pine nut cake, which will be discussed. The production of pine nut cake is as follows: pine nut is processed, or rather, squeezed. The method of squeezing in most cases is cold, thanks to this, absolutely all the useful properties of the pine nut remain intact.

Everyone knows that pine nuts are rich in minerals and vitamins, the process of processing nuts into presses does not reduce their amount, it even leaves about 25 percent of the oil, which has great benefits for the human body. The benefits of pine nut cake were also useful in the confectionery business, it gives baking and various products a unique nut aroma that will attract even the most legible foodies, as well as it will contribute to the enrichment of the dish with easily digestible proteins.

Benefits of pine nut cake

The benefits of pine nut cake are primarily manifested in the fact that it absorbs slags and helps to remove them from the human body. It contains not only a large amount of proteins, but also amino acids and carbohydrates, as well as pine nut cake is an excellent source of iodine. The useful properties of pine nut cake are necessary in cases of weakened immunity, and it will also be indispensable for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, since thanks to it lactation improves and contributes to the formation of normal development of the child, both physical and mental.

The useful properties of pine nut cake will also be useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in cases of nervous disorders, doctors recommend eating pine nut cake as a treatment for tuberculosis and pulmonary diseases. Athletes who seek to accumulate muscle mass should also pay attention to this product, since it is often used as an additive in the production of dairy products. Those people who undergo treatment for anorexia are also advised to use it along with various dairy products.

Damage to pine nut cake

Damage to pine nut cake can appear only if it is overabundant, since this product has mainly only positive properties. The calorie content of pine nut cake provides people with energy and helps to quickly satisfy their appetite, but it can also play a cruel joke with those who are overweight. If you do not abuse this product, then harm can be avoided with ease.

pine nut cake 432 kCal

Energy value of pine nut cake (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 31 g (~ 124 kCal)
Fats: 19 g. (~ 171 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 33g (~ 132 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 29% | 40% | 31%