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Most residents of Russia rarely remember such a product as dates, they consider them an ordinary treat, which can be dispensed with, however, in countries where this product is growing, the attitude towards dates is more than reverent, in some cases dates can completely form the basis of nutrition of any family. Peoples began to cultivate dates from a very old time, about 5-7 thousand years ago. To date, it is not known exactly where exactly the homeland of this product is located, there are three main points of view of various scientists: some call Mesopotamia, some Saudi Arabia, some North Africa.

Residents of many Arab countries have long attached importance to dates not just a fruit, but a healing product that can provide a person with a long life, which is why dates were the main food of this people. Even in the Quran, references were found to dates as fruits that were recommended by Allah himself, if you speak more specifically, then advice was found for women, the use of dates will facilitate pregnancy and childbirth, dates for men, according to references in the Quran, help to preserve male strength and sexuality. Going to war or on a campaign, men always took with them at least two bags of dried dates.

Benefits of dates

The benefits of dates are an undeniable fact, since such an amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients cannot give harmful properties to the product. The calorie content of dates is quite high, which in some cases plays only a positive role, since several fruits can give a person a sufficient amount of energy. It is such useful properties of dates that contribute to their distribution in some countries, they are often added to a variety of dishes, they are used in confectionery, in baking, as well as perfectly combined with meat dishes, added to salads, etc. The benefits of dates are that in the composition of any dish, they can give vigor, tone, relieve fatigue.

The useful properties of dates are due to the presence of a large amount of potassium and vitamin A, which have an extremely beneficial effect on the state of the body. Date decoction with rice serves as an excellent remedy for getting rid of dystrophy, nutritionists recommend using this particular remedy as a proven and very effective one. Scientists have proven that dates contain certain substances that help strengthen the muscles of the uterus, which is why pregnant women are advised to use dates in their pure form or as part of any dish.

Harms of dates

The harm of dates can be felt for those who suffer from migraines or kidney stones, such people are not advised to eat many dates. In addition, this fruit leaves a sweet coating on the teeth, which can contribute to the formation of tooth decay. Naturally, the benefits and harms of dates are incomparable, but it is necessary to remember these negative points.

dates 292 kCal

Energy value of dates (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2.5 g (~ 10 kCal)
Fats: 0.5 g (~ 5 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 69.2 g (~ 277 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 2% | 95%