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Papaya candied fruit

Papaya candied fruit...

Ripe fruits of tropical papaya fruit are best consumed in fresh (raw), seeing as a dessert. To do this, the papaya is first released from the peel, then the juicy flesh is cut into slices, the seeds are removed with a spoon and sprinkled with citrus juice - orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime or lemon. In addition, a slightly different way can be suggested: simply cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds with a spoon, and then enjoy the tasty flesh.

Papaya is especially good in fruit salads, but ice cream and juice are also made from these sweet fruits. In addition, papaya serves as an excellent raw material for the production of unusually tasty and rich papaya candied fruits, which are quite often found in domestic grocery stores.

Outwardly, papaya candied fruits look like dried candied wedges, which are distinguished by a pinkish-red color. In addition to slices, papaya candied fruits can be presented in the form of small cubes or long rafts - the shape of this product depends on the manufacturer. Papaya candied fruits are sold not only in their pure form, but also go on sale as part of various mixtures of candied fruits. So, most often, in addition to papaya candied fruits, they can include pineapples, bananas, mangoes, coconut and even ginger.

The nutritional and energy value of such mixtures mainly depends on the types of candied fruits included there, but in any case, such indicators are at a fairly high level, which is due to the use of a considerable amount of sugar in their manufacture. The calorie content of papaya candied fruits is approximately 327 kcal, which are in one hundred grams of this sweet product.

Papaya candied fruits include vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. For example, vitamins C, group B, glucose with fructose (represented by easily soluble and quickly absorbed sugars). Moderate use of papaya candied fruits helps strengthen the immune system and in general restore the body. In addition, the useful properties of papaya candied fruits for normal liver activity have been proven.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that due to the rather high calorie content of papaya candied fruit, this product is not recommended to be eaten too often. The fact is that papaya candied fruits contain quite a lot of sugar, which is used in the manufacture of this type of dried fruits, so with excessive consumption of this sweetness, in addition to extra pounds, you can get dental problems (tooth decay), as well as provoke an increase in blood sugar, which is especially dangerous in the case of diabetes mellitus.

candied papaya 327 kCal

The energy value of papaya candied fruits (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.2 g (~ 1 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 81.7 g (~ 327 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 100%