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Candied fruits

Candied fruits...

Today, no one will be surprised by the scattering of bright multi-colored sweet pieces, which, when eaten, simply melt in the mouth, leaving behind an unusual taste of exotic fruits. Not many overseas delights get to us fresh, so sometimes candied fruits remain the only option to get acquainted with an unknown curiosity. The hostesses have long realized the excellent culinary qualities and useful properties of candied fruits, so they are happy to use them when preparing a variety of sweet dishes.

Most often, candied fruits are added to pastries, jelly, ice cream, cottage cheese and other dairy products. In addition to being decorated with cakes and cakes, these fragrant fruit slices often act as an independent sweet dish that is served for tea or coffee.

For those who did not have time to get acquainted with this outlandish sweetness, it will be interesting to know that candied fruits are fruits, berries or vegetables boiled in a fairly thick sugar syrup, which are subsequently dried. Making candied fruits at home is not a very difficult activity, but rather long and requires a certain skill from the hostess. Therefore, there are not so many people who want to do this sweetness on their own, and besides, now there are whole placers of all kinds of exotic fruits in dried form on store shelves.

Types of candied fruit

Lovers of overseas sweets are well versed in the assortment of all kinds of candied fruits, which, depending on the original product, come in different colors and tastes. For example, candied pineapples, papaya and coconut are considered the most popular at the moment. But the fact that according to the method of manufacture (this is determined by their surface) candied fruits are divided into condensed, folding and replicated ones is known to few.

In addition, other types of candied fruits are also distinguished depending on their size and shape - these sweets come in cubes, tablets, rings, leaves and segments. This does not affect the taste in any way, but when decorating desserts it is quite important. The most common types of candied fruit are presented below:

Candied watermelon crusts

Ginger candied fruit

Pear candied fruit

Melon candied fruit

Papaya candied fruit

Pineapple candied fruit

Orange candied fruit

Apple candied fruit

Composition of candied fruits

The composition of candied fruits, which are of high quality, is incredibly simple: raw materials in the form of fresh fruits, berries or vegetables and granulated sugar. However, often, purchased candied fruits do not always meet standards, since some negligent manufacturers treat them with artificial dyes to give a more attractive appearance, which turns a useful natural treat into an almost malicious product.

In addition, when buying, it is almost impossible to find out the composition of candied fruits, since they are sold for weight, and the sellers themselves have often never heard of what their goods are made of.

Benefits of candied fruits

Undoubtedly, compared to industrial candied fruits, sweets cooked with their own hands only benefit. However, it is impossible to treat them as a panacea, replacing candied fruits, for example, chocolates. Of course, the benefits of candied fruits are indisputable, since they retain most of the vitamins and other substances important for the body, which are contained in fresh fruits. But one should not forget that they consist mainly of carbohydrates, which indicates increased nutritional value and considerable calorie content of candied fruits.

On the other hand, it is these qualities that speak of the benefits of candied fruits as a wonderful product for people experiencing severe psycho-emotional and physical exertion. Be that as it may, these sweet slices should be consumed in limited quantities in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Harm to candied fruits

Excessive love for these exotic sweets can result in possible harm to candied fruits for the body: obesity, damaged teeth, stomach ulcers or diabetes mellitus.

candied fruit 216.4 kCal

Energy value of candied fruits (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 3 g (~ 12 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 54.5g (~ 218 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 6% | 0% | 101%