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Pork ears

Pork ears...

Perhaps for some it will sound rather strange, but both in the variety of recipes for cooking and the range of their distribution, dishes based on pig ears do not compare with the huge number of beer snacks. Take, for example, baked, smoked, fried, pressed or pickled pork ears (in soy sauce, red oil, honey, vinegar, garlic dressing, spices). In addition, they are even consumed raw - for people who know this sense, such pork ears are among the delicacies.

And they know a lot in pig ears in Belarus, Lithuania, Korea, China, the Philippines, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Ukraine - in general, where the descendants of wild boars are revered. By the way, even in those countries where pigs are not given due honor, to put it mildly - in Tatarstan or Israel - beer is eaten with great pleasure by their imitation - layered salted cookies, which are made in the form of pig ears.

Surely opponents of this offal will declare that pork ears are simply tasteless and do not arouse appetite, but there is no need to refute this opinion. The fact is that this statement, as a rule, can be heard from the lips of those people who have either never tasted pork ears, or have not tasted them where they are masterfully prepared. Therefore, connoisseurs advise starting acquaintance with pork ears in decent establishments - perhaps this product will certainly take one of the leading places in your hit parade of excellent beer snacks.

Benefit of pig ears

Regarding the benefits of pig ears for human health, there is also an opinion that this is a food that, in addition to harmful cholesterol, contains nothing valuable in its composition. However, this is not the case: pig ears contain about 38% protein. And as it is known for certain, animal protein contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body.

In addition, the benefits of pig ears for humans are obvious due to the presence in this offal of a considerable amount of mineral salts we need, for example, zinc and magnesium. Many of us are trying to get these useful substances for a lot of money for our bodies by using overseas pills - not at all cheap and not the fact that they are completely harmless.

It is worth noting that the benefits of pig ears are relevant due to the presence of calcium, which serves as an indispensable tool in the treatment of joint injuries and the prevention of osteochondrosis. And the fact that this product contains a mass of collagen confirms its benefits for hair, nails, skin and the whole body. By the way, the calorie content of pig ears is about 234 kcal per hundred grams of fresh product.

porcine ears 234 kCal

Energy value of pig ears (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 22.45 g (~ 90 kCal)
Fats: 15.1 (~ 136 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.6 g (~ 2 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 38% | 58% | 1%