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Pork smoked ham

Pork smoked ham...

Smoked foods are a mandatory attribute of the modern table, because it is not only satisfying, but also unusually tasty. You can smoke not only fish, poultry, cheeses, but also, above all, meat. Among the numerous smoked meats, one of the leading places rightfully belongs to pork smoked ham, and there are many varieties of this product. All of them directly depend on the method of smoking, the type of raw materials used and the region where pork smoked ham is produced.

First of all, it is undoubtedly the world-famous product of Parma Ham - the favorite delicacy of most foodies and connoisseurs of planet Earth. It is impossible not to mention the pig smoked ham Hamon, which is recognized as the same equivalent national symbol of Spain as the flag of the state. And, of course, the Italian Prosciutto ham, which is based on the same pork ham.

Pork smoked ham is not only a self-sufficient hearty dish, but also a necessary component of many refined meals. You can cook with it an unimaginable amount of all kinds of meals - salads, snacks, pizzas, lasagna, rolls, casseroles. It is impossible not to remember the thick boiled pea soup, cooked on a strong broth with the addition of pork smoked ham. This is a traditional dish of the autumn-winter Russian table.

By the way, the combination of green peas and smoked pork ham tastes is considered classic not only for Russian cuisine - in France, Germany and other European countries there are varieties of similar chowder, which includes bacon. For example, in Estonia, it is customary to serve pork smoked ham with a side dish of boiled peas, which is mixed with lard.

In order to choose the right product, which is of high quality, you must always carefully read the composition and pay attention to the appearance of pork smoked ham. First of all, in this product, in addition to the ham itself, salt and spices, there should be no other additives. In addition, pronounced meat fibers should be clearly visible on the cut of the ham.

Quality pork smoked ham is distinguished by a ruddy crust, a white fat layer and a pink color of meat. The protein content in the product should not be less than 18 percent, and the width of the fat layer approved by GOST should not be more than three centimeters. If you are careful about all these simple conditions, you can easily buy high-quality smoked pork ham, which will greatly diversify your table and delight you with its delicate savoury taste and wonderful aroma.

pork smoked ham 510 kCal

Energy value of pork smoked ham (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 15 g (~ 60 kCal)
Fats: 50 g (~ 450 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 12% | 88% | 0%