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Pork stomach

Pork stomach...

As you know, in the old days, meat, especially in poor peasant families, was not a frequent guest on the table. That is why even dishes prepared on the basis of offal were made for the holiday, trying to give them an original and appetising appearance. Among the wide range of offal products, a special place is occupied by the pork stomach, which in its taste is in no way inferior to meat. The calorie content of the pork stomach is 159 kcal per hundred grams.

In general, the pig's stomach means the muscle internal organ of an animal, which is distinguished by its sac-shaped shape. Pork stomach is rightfully considered an excellent raw material for preparing a variety of meat dishes, but most often it is used as an edible shell in which mince is laid.

All kinds of dishes made from pork stomach can be found in almost all Slavic cuisines. It is noteworthy that most often the pork stomach was prepared for Christmas, while it was started with chopped meat, other offal, millet or pearl porridge.

For example, until today, a dish from a pork stomach called Kendyukh has been preserved in Ukraine, while in Belarusian cuisine a dish from the stomach, which is stuffed with offal, is called Vantrobyanka. Chuvash cuisine is characterized by the preparation of a dish from the pork stomach of Kugar Shurbi, and the Russians use this sub-product in the preparation of saltison and potion.

However, regardless of which dish from the pork stomach you chose, remember that before direct preparation, that internal organ must be carefully processed. First of all, you need to degrease the pork stomach, carefully release it from all the contents, and then remove the mucous membrane after standing it in hot water for ten minutes. The treated pork stomach is cleaned and washed well again.

When preparing a pork stomach, you also have your own simple subtleties. In particular, it is necessary to fill the pig's stomach loosely, because during the heat treatment it contracts and can burst. During baking, it is recommended to pour the stomach with leaking fat from time to time, and before sending the sub-product to the oven, you need to make several punctures in it to avoid cracks.

In addition, experts advise 5-10 minutes before readiness to pour sour cream with spices on the pork stomach - thanks to such manipulation, a golden crust forms on its surface. By the way, it is customary to serve the finished pork stomach cooled, so at the end of cooking you can put a press on it - this will give it a convenient shape for cutting.

porcine stomach 159 kCal

The energy value of the pork stomach (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 16.85 g (~ 67 kCal)
Fats: 10.14 g (~ 91 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 42% | 57% | 0%