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Pork liver

Pork liver...

Many of us adhere to the rules of a healthy and balanced diet, monitor the quality of food products with their calorie content and healthy composition. However, not everyone really understands and can appreciate the importance of a particular product for health and good self-esteem. For example, most people know that the most nutritious and healthy food is made from plant-based foods.

Vegetables, fruits and cereals, as well as fish and seafood are really rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and other useful natural compounds. Meat and meat offal have come under increasing criticism recently. What is not accused of meat, which is called a high-calorie product containing, in addition to useful substances, health-threatening additives and impurities.

All this is rather the result of the activities of the person himself, or rather unscrupulous farmers who, in order to increase their profits, feed livestock with special chemical food additives that help to increase the mass of carcass. So it turns out that together with meat, "knowledgeable" people bypass meat offal, such as the liver, kidneys, heart, etc. Such actions are understandable on the one hand, but are meat and meat offal so harmful?

Benefit of pork liver

We suggest that you pay attention to the pig liver. This product is considered quite popular, there are a huge number of dishes that have long been prepared from the liver. So what is the benefit of pork liver? Firstly, pork liver is the most rich in vitamins and healthy macro- and trace elements of meat by-products of pork carcass.

Fresh pork liver weighs approximately 1-2 kg and is distinguished by its light brown color. The surface of the pig liver should be glossy and smooth. It is not for nothing that we focus on the appearance of the pork liver, because if you buy a low-quality product in the store, you risk not only spoiling your dish, but also harming your health.

Therefore, when purchasing pork livers from a grocery store, pay attention first to the color and smell of the offal. The changed color and sour pungent smell of the pig liver serves as a danger signal, such a product is either already spoiled or subjected to deep freezing, which helps to hide signs of a poor-quality product.

Moment number two is the most delicious, tender and healthy pig liver of young pigs. Moreover, the beneficial properties of such a liver are many times higher than that which was subjected to freezing or other types of treatment. The calorie content of pork liver is low and is only 109 Kcal in 100 grams of meat offal. The content of vitamins of group B, A, C, E, H and PP, as well as a number of such useful substances as iodine, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and molybdenum, is perhaps the main benefit of pork liver for the human body.

The vitamin and mineral composition, combined with a fairly low caloric content of pork liver, allows you to classify this product as dietary and incredibly useful for the human body. After all, the famous physician of Antiquity Avicenna treated his patients with liver. And Egyptians considered the liver the number one product in their diet. To this day, recipes of Egyptian culinary experts have been preserved, who prepared the liver in a variety of ways (baked, cooked, fried).

pork liver 109 kCal

The energy value of pork liver (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 18.8 g (~ 75 kCal)
Fats: 3.8 g (~ 34 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4.7 g (~ 19 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 69% | 31% | 17%